Department of Languages of Literature Arts

The Department of Languages and Literature’s vision is to become a leading socio-cultural and linguistic empowerment service provider. Our mandate is to develop accomplished, competent and innovative graduates in a culturally and linguistically diverse world. We stand guided by values such as innovation, diversity and Unhu/Ubuntu.


Mission and Vison Statement

  • The mission of the Department of Languages and Literature is to develop accomplished, competent and innovative graduates in a culturally and linguistically diverse global world.
  • The vison of the Department is to become a leading socio-cultural and linguistic empowerment service provider to a diverse world.
  • The values of the Department are: communication, Innovation, Diversity, Unhu/Ubuntu


The department of Languages and Literature seeks to:

  • Educate students to be global citizens with the ability and sensitivity to communicate with people of diverse cultures. Our focus is on academic, professional, and personal development through our courses, in line with the mission of the department as a whole. We aim to accomplish this through the study of languages, literatures, and civilisations.
  • Create literary sensibility for appreciation in students and expose them to artistic and innovative use of language by writers and to various worldviews
  • Instill values and develop human concern in students through exposure to literary texts
  • Enhance literary and linguistic competence of students.
  • Produce policy makers and leaders in language, literature and communication disciplines
  • Produce experts and consultants that promote the growth and development of languages, literature, and communication at national, regional, and international levels.
  • Train students to carry out critical analyses of linguistic and literary texts and to place them in their historical, philosophical, cultural, social, and global context.
  • Produce graduates who are dedicated to excellence in research, community engagement, innovation, and industrialisation.

Department Chairperson

  • Prof. E. S. Gudhlanga
    Prof. E. S. Gudhlanga

Departmental Lecturers

  • Mr. P. Makwanya
    Mr. P. Makwanya
  • Ms. J. Mukaro
    Ms. J. Mukaro
  • Mr. M. Shumba
    Mr. M. Shumba
  • Prof. A. Chitando
    Prof. A. Chitando
  • Mrs. A. M. Madongonda
    Mrs. A. M. Madongonda
  • Dr. S. Y. Matanga
    Dr. S. Y. Matanga
  • Dr. P. Chiridza
    Dr. P. Chiridza
  • Dr. N. Sibanda
    Dr. N. Sibanda
  • Mr. T.L Chinyanganya
    Mr. T.L Chinyanganya
Prof. E. S. Gudhlanga

Academic Qualifications

  • D Phil in African Languages (University of South Africa, 2017)
  • MA in African Languages and Literature (University of Zimbabwe, 1997-1998)
  • BA Special Honours in African Languages and Literature (1996)
  • BA General (1993)

Professional Qualifications

  • Certificate in Technology Enabled Learning, Commonwealth of Learning and Athabasca University, 2020.
  • Certificate in Blended Learning Practice, Commonwealth of Learning and Athabasca University, 2020.
  • Certificate in Copyright and Creative Commons Licensing, Open Educational Resource University (New Zealand), 2020.
  • Certificate in Gender, Religion and Peace Building, Swedish Theological Institute (Israel, 2019).
  • Certificate in Training of Trainers on Gender Responsive Economic Policy Management, United Nations African Institute for Economic Development and Planning (UNIDEP, 2016)
  • Certificate in African and Area Studies, Council for Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), 2016.
  • Certificate in Teaching of English as a Foreign Language (Zimbabwe Open University, 2015).
  • Certificate in Gender and Land Tenure, CODESRIA, 2014.
  • Certificate in Gender in Agriculture and Natural Resources Management, Population Dynamics, Social Vulnerability and Protection, Organisation of Social Science Research in East and Southern Africa (OSSREA), 2014.
  • Certificate in Module Writing, Zimbabwe Open University, 2011.
  • Certificate in Gender Mainstreaming, OSSREA, 2007.
  • Certificate in Gender in Contemporary Labour Markets, CODESRIA, 2008.
  • Certificate in HIV/AIDS Care and Counselling, UNISA, 2007.
  • Certificate in Writing Skills Workshop for Scholarly Publishing, CODESRIA, 2007.


Research Interests

Enna Sukutai Gudhlanga is interested in the study of Africa and the development of its literatures, cultures and world outlooks. Her main concern is the ultimate self-definition and complete mastery of the African people’s own life. Enna has presented papers on gender and culture at many international conferences. Enna is also interested in socio-linguistic issues like democracy, language rights, planning and policy. She is also a member of the National Languages Advisory Committee.

Selected publications:

  • Gudhlanga, E.S, Muganiwa, J. & Dube, M.W. (eds.). 2022. African Literature, Mother Earth and Religion. Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press.
  • Gudhlanga, E. S. & Madongonda. 2021. A M. -Shona Culture and a New World Order: Fissures, Strategies and Mitigation in COVID 19 Era. In Makamani, R, Nhemachena, A & Mtapuri, O. Global Capital’s 21st Century Repositionng: Between COVID-19 and 4th Industrial revolution on Africa, Bamenda, Cameroon: Langaa Research and Publishing CIG, pp. 151-170.
  • Gudhlanga, E. S. & Madongonda, A. M. 2021. Reclaiming their socio-economic space in African culture: Shona Women Cross Border Traders of Zimbabwe, Journal of African Languages and Literary Studies, pp. 61-78. DOI: //
  • Gudhlanga, E.S 2019, The Gendered Dispossession of Land in colonial Rhodesia: An Analysis of Thomson Kumbirai Tsodzo’s Pafunge and Patrick Chakaipa’s Dzasukwa Mwana-Asina-Hembe, in J. Kangira, A. Nhemachena & N. Mlambo (eds.), Displacement, Elimination and Replacement of Indigenous people: Putting into Perspective Land Ownership and Ancestry in Decolonising Contemporary Zimbabwe Cameroon: Langaa RPCIG, pp. 227-251, DOI:10.2307/j.ctvh9vv9q.12
  • Gudhlanga, E.S. & Chirimuuta, C. 2016, Oral Folklore as a Model for Contemporary Gender Studies: The Case of Zimbabwe. Journal of Indigenous Languages and Literature, Volume 1, Number 2, pp. 1-17.
  • Gudhlanga, E.S. 2013, Shutting them out: Opportunities and challenges of women’s participation in Zimbabwean Politics. Journal of Third World Studies, Volume XXX, No. 1, pp. 151-170,


  • Gudhlanga, E.S. & Makaudze, G. 2007. Writing and publishing in indigenous languages is a mere waste of time: A critical appraisal of the challenges being faced by writers and publishers of Shona literature in Zimbabwe. Occasional Paper No. 26. University of Cape Town: Project for the Study of Alternative Education in South Africa (PRAESA).
  • Gudhlanga, E.S. 2005. Promoting the use and teaching of African Languages in Zimbabwe. The Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research, Volume 17, Number 1, 2005, pp. 54-68.


Contact details

Email Address:

Mobile: +263 772 382 376

Telephone: +263 242 795991/ 795990/ 796464/ 770743/ 770744/ 794731/ 795518/ 7997730/ 793002/ 7/ 8 extn 430

Physical Address: Zimbabwe Open University, Faculty of Arts, Culture and Heritage Studies, Department of Languages and Literature, Corner House, 5th Floor, Corner Samora Machel Avenue and Leopold Takawira Street, Harare, Zimbabwe.

Mr. P. Makwanya

Academic Qualifications

  • Master of Arts degree, in Language for Specific Purposes: University of Zimbabwe (2006)
  • Bachelor of Education in English (Solusi University, 2001)
  • Diploma in Primary Education  Mkoba Teachers College (1993)

Research Interests

Mr Peter Makwanya’s research interests include; Climate Change Media reporting. He is the Climate Change Communication, media advocacy, education, training and awareness.

Selected Publications

Published Books

  • 2021: Makwanya, P. (2020). A Handbook for Climate Change: Communication, Education and Awareness in Zimbabwe. Dream Discovery Publishers, Gweru. ISBN: 978-1-77925-636-2.


  • 2022: Africa Online & Publication Library: Renewable Energy Transition for Building Resilience to Energy Poverty in Sub-Saharan Africa: Policy Roadblocks on the Way. Policy Paper Series 1, N0.2, January 2022. IOPL.
  • 2014, An Analysis of Children’s poems in Environment and Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: A Participatory Approach: Catching Them Young, THE IJES-International Journal of Engineering and Science, Volume 3, Issue 7, 10-15, 2014. ISSN (e): 2319 – 1813 ISSN, (p) 2319 – 1805.
  • 2014, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation – The Centrality of Carbon Clusters and Creativity in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation: A Linguistic Perspective, IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), e-ISSN: 2279-0853, p-ISSN: 2279-0861. Volume 13. Issue 6 Ver. 1 (June, 2014), pp 69-76.
  • 2013, An analysis of the language used to communicate information on climate change, IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (IOSR-JHSS), Volume 17, Issue 2(NOV, -Dec. 2013), PP 17-25. E-ISSN: 2279-0845


  • 2021: Chapter topic in Konrad Adeneuer Stiftung Magazine: The Role of the Media in Climate Change Discourses in Zimbabwe. Konrad Adeneuer Stiftung (KAS). 26 Sandringham Drive-Alexandra Park. P.O. Box 4325. Harare.
  • 2021: Two Chapter topics in The Malawian Climate Change Magazine Below 2 degrees. ISSN: 2709-408x. Issue 1, October-November 2020. INAUGURAL EDITION. Blantyre, Malawi.Contact details 

    Email Address: and

    Mobile: +263 773 780 574

    Telephone: + 263 542 226002/3

    Physical Address: Zimbabwe Open University, Faculty of Arts, Culture and Heritage Studies, Department of Languages and Literature, Midlands Regional Campus, 16 Victory Road, Gweru,  Zimbabwe

Ms. J. Mukaro

Academic Qualifications

  • Master of Arts Degree in Applied Linguistics (University of Zimbabwe, 2019)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours Degree in Linguistics (University of Zimbabwe, 2017)
  • Certificate in Strategic Public Relations and Business Promotion (University of Zimbabwe, 2022)



Miss Mukaro’s research interests include; sociolinguistics, language and gender; Critical Discourse Analysis, and Phonetics and Phonology


Contact details


Email Address:

Mobile: +263779211175

Telephone: +263 2021 2068153

Physical Address: Zimbabwe Open University, Faculty of Arts, Culture and Heritage Studies, Department of Languages and Literature, Manicaland Regional Campus, 992 C avenue, Mutare, Zimbabwe

Mr. M. Shumba

Academic Qualifications

  • Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics (University of Zimbabwe, 2010)
  • Bachelor of  Arts Honours in Linguistics (University of Zimbabwe, 2010)

Research interests

Mr Shumba’s research interests are; Sociolinguistics, Phonetics, Phonology, Bilingualism and Language contact issues.


Contact details

Email Address:

Mobile: +263 773 978330

Telephone: +263 242 702703/25015728

Physical Address: Zimbabwe Open University, Faculty of Arts, Culture and Heritage Studies, Department of Languages and Literature, Harare Chitungwiza Regional Campus, 836R+GH5 Alpes Road, Hatcliffe, Harare, Zimbabwe

Prof. A. Chitando

Academic Qualifications

  • Doctor of Literature and Philosophy (English) (University of South Africa)
  • Master of Arts in English (University of Zimbabwe)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Education (Zimbabwe Open University)
  • Bachelor of Arts Special Honours in English (University of Zimbabwe)
  • Bachelor of Arts General (University of Zimbabwe)


Professional Qualifications

  • Technology Enabled Learning, Commonwealth of Learning and Athabasca University (2020)
  • Blended Learning Practice, Commonwealth of Learning and Athabasca University (2020)
  • The Role of the Bible in Peacebuilding, Zimbabwe Open University (2019)
  • Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL), Zimbabwe Open University (2015)
  • Research Methodology in Social Sciences for University Lecturers and Supervisors (Master’s/PhD), OSSREA (2014)


Research Interests:

  • Children’s Literature
  • African Literature
  • Gender Studies


Selected Publications


  • Chitando A., E. Chitando. 2023. Zimbabwean Women’s Writings and Women’s Theology: Supporting Women’s Struggles for Full Rights and Dignity.’  In E. Chitando, S. Chirongoma and M. Manyonganise (Eds.), Gendered Spaces, Religion and Migration in Zimbabwe: Implications for Economic Development, New York: Routledge, pages 51 – 64.
  • Chitando, A. 2022. Reconceptualising Peacebuilding: Insights from Young Women in Zimbabwe.  In T.K. Tieku, A. Coffie, M. B. Setrana and A. Taiwo (Eds.).  The Politics of Peacebuilding in Africa, New York: Routledge, pages 67 – 80.
  • Chitando, A. 2021. “Women and Peacebuilding in Africa.” In A. Chitando (Ed.), Women and Peacebuilding in Africa. New York: Routledge, pages 1-20.
  • Chitando, A. 2021. ‘Pray the Devil Back to Hellas a Resource for Appreciating African Women’s Contribution to Peacebuilding.  In A. Chitando (Ed.), Women and Peacebuilding in Africa. New York: Routledge, pages 213 – 225.
  • Chitando, A. (2020). Writing Mother Africa: African Women Creative Writers and the Environment, Journal of African Languages and Literary Studies, Vol1, No 2, Aug 2020, p. 61-85, DOI.
  • Chitando, A. (2019).  From Victims to the Vaunted: Young Women and Peace Building in Mashonaland East, Zimbabwe, African Security Review, DOI: 10.1080/10246029.2019.1662462.Contact details Email Address:


    Mobile: +263772460066



    +263 242 795991/795990/796464/770743/770744/794731/795518/7997730/793002/7/8 extn 232


    Physical Address: Zimbabwe Open University, Faculty of Arts, Culture and Heritage Studies, Department of Languages and Literature, Corner House, 8th Floor, Corner Samora Machel Avenue and Leopold Takawira Street, Harare, Zimbabwe.

Mrs. A. M. Madongonda

Chairperson’s Profile

Department of Languages and Literature.

Dr Sarah Yeukai Matanga

Academic Qualifications

Doctor of Philosophy in English (University of Free State, 2022)

MA in English (University of Zimbabwe)

BA Honours in English (University of Zimbabwe)


Research Interests

Sarah Yeukai Matanga’s research interests include; literature that focuses on representing the crisis-induced movements in Zimbabwe, women related issues as well as their empowerment and  issues affecting ODeL learners.


Selected Publications

  • Matanga, S.Y. & Mancuveni, M. 2022. Zimbabwean Mother and Mother Earth: An Anaylysis of Selected Shona Songs ’ In ES Gudhlanga, J Muganiwa, MW Dube (eds.). African Literature, Mother Earth and Religion, Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press, pp. 105-122. ISBN 1-64889-128-4
  • Masaka, D and Mukungurutse Sarah Y, 2017, Confronting the Exclusive Dominance of Christianity in Zimbabwe’s Advanced Level Divinity Syllabus through Africanisation, Alternation Journal of Religion and Social Responsibility. Special Edition No.19, (ISSN 1023-1757).
  • Nyenya T and Mukungurutse S.Y 2016. Wait for Time to Heal a severely Battered Image; Positing Perception Management in Higher and Tertiary Institutions in Zimbabwe. IJHSSE, Vol 3, issue 2, pp107-114. ISSSN 2349-0389.
  • Mugari A and Mukungurutse S.Y 2015, An analysis of Language as a Catalyst to Sport Violence. A Case of Ten Secondary Schools in Marondera Urban, IJRHSS, Volume 2, Issues7, pp75-78, ISSN 2394-6288.
  • Chiridza, P Chirambaguwa, W and Mukungurutse S.Y 2015, Zimbabwe’s Politics of Violence as Shown in Music from the Liberation Struggle to the PostIndependent State. Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies,Volume 03 – Issue 04, (ISSN: 2321 – 2799).Email Address: : +263 774 648 638


    +263 242 795991/795990/796464/770743/770744/794731/795518/7997730/793002/7/8 extn 401


    Physical Address: Zimbabwe Open University, Faculty of Arts, Culture and Heritage Studies, Department of Languages and Literature, Corner House, 5th Floor, Corner Samora Machel Avenue and Leopold Takawira Street, Harare, Zimbabwe.


Dr. S. Y. Matanga

Academic Qualifications

Doctor of Philosophy in English (University of Free State, 2022)

MA in English (University of Zimbabwe)

BA Honours in English (University of Zimbabwe)


Research Interests

Sarah Yeukai Matanga’s research interests include; literature that focuses on representing the crisis-induced movements in Zimbabwe, women related issues as well as their empowerment and  issues affecting ODeL learners.


Selected Publications

  • Matanga, S.Y. & Mancuveni, M. 2022. Zimbabwean Mother and Mother Earth: An Anaylysis of Selected Shona Songs ’ In ES Gudhlanga, J Muganiwa, MW Dube (eds.). African Literature, Mother Earth and Religion, Wilmington, Delaware: Vernon Press, pp. 105-122. ISBN 1-64889-128-4
  • Masaka, D and Mukungurutse Sarah Y, 2017, Confronting the Exclusive Dominance of Christianity in Zimbabwe’s Advanced Level Divinity Syllabus through Africanisation, Alternation Journal of Religion and Social Responsibility. Special Edition No.19, (ISSN 1023-1757).
  • Nyenya T and Mukungurutse S.Y 2016. Wait for Time to Heal a severely Battered Image; Positing Perception Management in Higher and Tertiary Institutions in Zimbabwe. IJHSSE, Vol 3, issue 2, pp107-114. ISSSN 2349-0389.
  • Mugari A and Mukungurutse S.Y 2015, An analysis of Language as a Catalyst to Sport Violence. A Case of Ten Secondary Schools in Marondera Urban, IJRHSS, Volume 2, Issues7, pp75-78, ISSN 2394-6288.
  • Chiridza, P Chirambaguwa, W and Mukungurutse S.Y 2015, Zimbabwe’s Politics of Violence as Shown in Music from the Liberation Struggle to the PostIndependent State. Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies,Volume 03 – Issue 04, (ISSN: 2321 – 2799).

Email Address:    or

Mobile: +263 774 047 172

Telephone: +263 06523 22267

Physical Address: Zimbabwe Open University, Faculty of Arts, Culture and Heritage Studies, Department of Languages and Literature, Mashonaland East Regional Campus, 21-5th Street, Marondera,  Zimbabwe.

Dr. P. Chiridza

Academic Qualifications

  • Doctor of Philosophy degree in Journalism (University of Johannesburg, South Africa, 2022)
  • Master of Arts degree in Communications and Media Studies (University of Zimbabwe)
  • BA Honours in English (University of Zimbabwe)
  • Diploma in Media and Communications (University of Zimbabwe).

Research Interests

Dr. Peter Chiridza research interests are; social media studies, political communication, digital journalism and multimedia communication.

Selected Publications:

  • Chiridza, P, Chirambaguwa,W & Mukungurutse, S.Y. (2015) Zimbabwe’s Politics of Violence as shown in Music from the Liberation Struggle to the Post Independent State, Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies (ISSN: 2321 – 2799) Volume 03 – Issue 04.
  • Sigauke,E.; Katsaruware,D.; Chiridza, P.; Saidi,T. (2015), African Traditional Cultural Values and Beliefs: A Driving Force to Natural Resource Management: A Study of Makonde
  • Chiridza, P, Yorodani, J, Sigauke, E, Katsaruware, R.D. (2016) Social media and the society: A case study of WhatsApp in Zimbabwe. New Media and Mass Communication                                                                                                                                     ISSN 2224-3267 (Paper) ISSN 2224-3275 (Online).
  • Peter Chiridza, Elliot Muchena, & Washington Chirambaguwa. (2016), Examining The Potential For Violence In Zimbabwe’s Politics In The Post 2014 ZANU PF Congress Era, Global Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences Vol.4, No.3, pp.39-45.
  • Katsaruware, R. D; Sigauke, E and Chiridza, P. (2016), the role of Central Business District (CBD) Vendors in livelihood development, Southern Peace Review Journal.
  • Chirambaguwa, W & Chiridza, P. (2017) A Fine Stalemate: Cultural Decolonisation and Imperialism’s Deadlock in Gomo’s: A Fine Madness, Greener Journal of Language and Literature Research, ISSN: 2384-6402, Vol. 3 (1), pp. 001-012
  • Yorodani, J, Chiridza, P & Muchena, E. (2017) Community Radio Stations: The Missing Link in Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation (ZimAsset), Greener Journal of Internet, Information and Communication Systems,  ISSN: 2354-2373        Vol. 3 (1), pp. 001-008.
  • Chiridza, P & Chitsamatanga, J. (2017) Examining the Place and Scope of Social Media in Contemporary Zimbabwe Politics, Greener Journal of Internet, Information and Communication Systems, ISSN: 2354-2373, Vol. 3 (2), pp. 014-019.
  • Chiridza, P, Linde, K, & Muchena, E. (2017), Exploring Perceptions of Online Readers of Newsday And The Herald on Media Representations of War Veterans In Zimbabwe’s Politics In The Year 2016. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 22, Issue 5, Ver. 4, PP 57-62 e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845. www.iosrjournals.orgContact detailsEmail Address: +263773 533 382

    Telephone: +263 6721 4050/6106/9345-7

    Physical Address: Zimbabwe Open University, Faculty of Arts, Culture and Heritage Studies, Department of Languages and Literature, Mashonaland West Regional Campus, 5425 Glassglow Industrial Site, Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe.


Dr. N. Sibanda

Academic Qualifications

  • Doctor of Philosophy degree in English (University of Venda, South Africa)
  • Master of Arts degree in English (University of Zimbabwe)
  • Master of Science degree in Peace, Leadership and Conflict Resolution (Zimbabwe Open University)
  • BA Honours in English (University of Zimbabwe)
  • Diploma in Education (Hillside Teachers College/UZ)
  • Diploma in Ministry (Africa for Christ Bible College, Zimbabwe).


Research Interests

Dr Sibanda’s research interests are: Short story genre, World Literature, Comparative Literature Studies, Genre Fiction, Global Crises, Language, Literacy Issues, Communication, and Peace & Conflict Resolution Issues in Literature.


Selected Publications:

  • Nhlanhla Sibanda and Bhekinkosi Ndlovu (2021). An exploration of the Performance Lag Address Programme (PLAP) in addressing Literacy in primary schools: the case of Tsholotsho District in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, V(XI), 579-585.
  • Sibanda, N. and Dube, S. 2018. (Re) collecting the memory of Bulawayo through Naming in Short Writings from Bulawayo. European Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, 6(1): 43-52.
  • Sibanda, N., Hadebe, L. and Maposa, A. 2017. Writing violence into perspective: a 21st century Zimbabwean short story genre approach. European Journal of English Language Teaching, 2 (4): 195-211.
  • Sibanda, N. 2015. An analysis of the significance of myths and proverbs as African philosophies of peace and justice: a case of the Ndebele, Shona and Tonga tribes from Zimbabwe and the Igbo from Nigeria” in IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 20 (4): 01-06.
  • Sibandan, N. 2013. The Role of Tonga Language and Culture Committee (TOLACCO), Roman Catholic and Community Leadership in the Promotion of Literacy in Binga Community in Zimbabwe. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 2 (8) 343-351.
  • Sibanda, N. 2013. The socio-economic impact of vocational education skills training centres among the Bulawayo youths during the period 2008 to 2012: a case study of Lobengula and Sizinda Training Centres. JM International Journal of Management Research, 3 (3):105-120.
  • Sibanda, N. 2012. Language Loyalty and Empowerment, the case of Zimbabwe. Tsebo Journal of Humanities, 2 (4): 131-145.Contact DetailsEmail Address:    or

    Mobile: +263 774 047 172

    Telephone: +263 06523 22267

    Physical Address: Zimbabwe Open University, Faculty of Arts, Culture and Heritage Studies, Department of Languages and Literature, Mashonaland East Regional Campus, 21-5th Street, Marondera,  Zimbabwe.


Mr. T.L Chinyanganya

Academic Qualifications

  • Master of Arts in Language for Specific Purposes (University of Zimbabwe, 2002)
  • Bachelor of Arts Honours in English (University of Zimbabwe, 1987)


Professional Qualifications


  • Bachelor Of Education (University of Cape Town, 1993)
  • Post Graduate Certificate in Education (University of Zimbabwe, 1991)

Research Interests

Mr Chinyanganya’s research interests include; Literary Criticism, Language and Literacy Issues and Indigenous Knowledge Systems.


Selected publications

  • Chinyanganya, T.L. (2011). “Indigenous Languages on the brink: Is there survival of indigenous languages in the face of the universalization of English?” in Embracing Challenges in Current Trends. Kuala Lumpur Infrastructural University College (KLIUC), Selango Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. ISBN 974-967-10730-1-8
  • Chinyanganya, T.L (2012). “The Nexus between Language and Learning: Implications of Using English as the Language of Instruction in Zimbabwean Primary Schools.” Southern Peace Review Journal Vol 1, Number 2, ISSN:2227-8974
  • Chinyanganya, T.L (2013). “Taboos and the Pragmatics of Teaching HIV and AIDS at Primary School: Views from Selected Primary School Teachers in Chipadze, Bindura.” Journal of Educational Research, Volume 3, ISSN: 2276-7789. (Co-authored with J. Muguti)
  • Chinyanganya, T.L (2013). ‘Insanity and ailment: The treatment of disease in Shimmer Chinodya’s Chairman of Fools and Strife: A metaphysical perspective. In Towards Re-invigorating the Arts UNISA (2014) ISBN978-1-86888-744-6
  • Chinyanganya, T.L (2013) “Cultural linguistic strategies in HIV/AIDS discourse in Shona: A Survey of Bindura Hospital.”  International Journal of Social Science Education, v3i4-2013 ISSN:2223-4934 (e)
  • Chinyanganya, T.L (2014). “The presentation of the fast track land reform in Zimbabwe, views from two dailies, The Herald and The Daily News. IJSSE Vol 4 Issue 3. ISSN: 2223-4934 E 227-393X.
  • Chinyanganya, T.L (2014). Introduction to Strife, Schools edition (2014) Weaver Press, ISBN 978-1-77922-267-1
  • Chinyanganya, T.L (2015). “Linguistic Transformation for Change” a chapter in the book, The Art of Survival: Depictions of Zimbabwe and the Zimbabwean Crisis. Chitando, A, Chikowero, J, Madongonda, A.  (2015). New Castle: Cambridge Scholars publishing. ISBN (13): 978-1-44388-8109-8.
  • Chinyanganya, T.L (2016). Practical criticism for Advanced Level  Students of Literature (2016) Co-edited with J. Perlman, K. Hanssen, N, Mbono and I. Staunton, Weaver Press.
  • Chinyanganya, T.L (2017) Review of Mukuka Chipanta’s A Casualty of Power. Weaver Press Harare, in Munyori Literary Journal, ISSN 2168-6440.Contact detailsEmail Address: +263 772 912 938

    Telephone: +263 666210 7107

    Physical Address: Zimbabwe Open University, Faculty of Arts, Culture and Heritage Studies, Department of Languages and Literature, Mashonaland Central Regional Campus, 209 Hay Road, Bindura, Zimbabwe.