Dr Ignatious Nzero

  • Doctor of Laws (Mercantile Law) (University of Pretoria), Master of Laws (Business Law) (University of KwaZulu-Natal), Bachelor of Laws (University of Fort Hare), Post Graduate Diploma in Higher Education (Chinhoyi University of Technology).
  • His area of specialization is Competition Law, Insolvency Law and Corporate Law.
  • His research interests include competition law and policy, regulation of economic activities and general corporate law.
  • He currently teaches Advanced Insolvency Law for Masters of Commercial Law at the University of Zimbabwe; Advanced Competition Law for Masters of Commercial and Corporate Law at the Midlands State University; Corporate Legal Environment and Governance for Masters of Business Administration in Leadership and Governance at the African Leadership and  Management Academy ( an affiliate of the National University of Science and Technology); Principles of Law and Contract management for Masters of Engineering Project Management at Chinhoyi University of Technology.
  • He is admitted to practice law in Zimbabwe as a registered legal practitioner, a member of the Law Society of Zimbabwe, the Academic Society of Competition Lawyers and the Zimbabwe Law Teachers Association.
  • He is also a member of the editorial committee for the Zimbabwe Law Report and a member of the Women University in Africa council.
  • He is an external examiner for the Faculty of Law, Zimbabwe Ezekiel Guti University.
  • He has also served as an external examiner for both doctoral and masters candidates at the Universities of Pretoria, North West and National University of Lesotho.
  • Some of his scholarly publications are:
  • Journal articles
  • Nzero I, ‘Interpretation and application of the failing firm doctrine in merger regulation in South Africa and the US: A comparative analysis’ (2014) 77 Journal of Contemporary Roman Dutch Law 440-467.
  • Nzero I, ‘Is there a gap in the definition of corporate mergers in Zimbabwe’s Competition Act? Revisiting the Caledonia Holdings (Africa) Limited/Blanket Mine (1983) (Private) Limited merger’ (2015) 78 Journal of Contemporary Roman Dutch Law 589-604.
  • Nzero I, ‘Merger Regulation in Zimbabwe: a critical assessment of the effectiveness of the merger regulatory institutions’ (2015) 2 Midlands State University Law Review.
  • Nzero I, ‘The implications of public interest considerations on the interpretation and application of the failing firm doctrine in South African merger analysis’ (2016) 76 Journal of Contemporary Roman Dutch Law.
  • Tsabora J and Nzero I, ‘Changing the Game: Striking Down Section 121 of Zimbabwe’s Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act’ (2013) SSRN Electronic Journal.
  • Nzero I and Mhodi P, ‘The new Constitution and the death penalty: a justified discrimination?’ (2014) 1 Midlands State University Law Review 31-53.
  • Nzero I, Ncube NC and Mhishi F, ‘Corporate directors’ duty of care, skill and diligence under the new Zimbabwe Companies and Other Businesses Entities Act’ (2021) University of Zimbabwe Law Journal 1-28.
  • Nzero I , ‘The standard for merger assessment in Zimbabwe: The Law and Practice’ (2022) 85 (1) THRHR 21-32.
  • Nzero I, Musabayeka H and Mapara J, ‘Minimizing the impact of “Bigmanism” in Zimbabwean Higher and Tertiary Education’ Journal of African Education Volume 4, Number 1, April 2023, pp 21- 44.
  • Books and book chapters
  • Nzero I, Mugari G and Mhishi F, ‘Corporate Governance and the Law’ in Corporate Governance, Leadership, Boards and Compliance, Muranda Z et al (eds.,) ( Chinhoyi University of Technology Printing Press, 2016).
  • Nzero I, ‘Entrepreneurial Law: Some selected aspects’ in Entrepreneurship: A Zimbabwean Perspective, Muranda Z (eds.,) (Chinhoyi University of Technology Printing Press, 2016)).
  • Majoni T and Nzero I ‘Selecting the entrepreneurial venture’ in Entrepreneurship: A Zimbabwean Perspective, Muranda Z (eds.,) (Chinhoyi University of Technology Printing Press, 2016)).
  • T.D, Ndoda.R.G, T.Mufudza.T and I.Nzero. (2022). ‘Enterprising Environment’ in Contemporary Entrepreneurship with Cases (Chinhoyi University of Technology Printing Press.
  • Nzero I, Mhishi F, Matandire B.J, & Matorofa A.S. (2022) ‘The Business Legal Environment’ in Contemporary Entrepreneurship with Cases (Chinhoyi University of Technology Printing Press.


  • Selected conference papers
  • Nzero I, ‘ Accelerated Action for the adoption of best practices in trade and investment for the benefit of China-Africa co-operation’s legal framework’  Paper presented at the 4TH Forum , Paper presented at the 4TH Forum for China-Africa Cooperation Legal Forum, 118-22November 2013, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.
  • Nzero I, ‘Competition regulation as a nexus to competition, innovation and competitiveness’, paper presented at the Second Chinhoyi University of Technology International Research Conference, 20-21 July 2015, Chinhoyi University of Technology Hotel, Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe.
  • Nzero I, ‘Towards a socially responsible corporation: revisiting company directors’ duties’ (2015), paper presented at the Fourth Research and Intellectual Expo (RIE), National University of Science and Technology, 2-5 September 2015, National University of Science and Technology, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
  • Nzero I, Taurai Munodawafah T, Chokuda BT, Ncube CN and Mhishi F, ‘Corporate directors’ duty to account and report under the Companies and Other Business Entities Act (COBE) [Chapter 24:31], paper presented at the  Fifth Chinhoyi University of Technology International Conference Innovation, Industrialization Growth and Sustainable Development, 12-17 February 2023, Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe.
  • Masamba T, Ignatious Nzero I and Kajongwe C, ‘Precarious Employment and Innovation of Retail Small to Medium Enterprises (SMEs) Sector in Zvimba District, Zimbabwe’, paper presented at the  Fifth Chinhoyi University of Technology International Conference Innovation, Industrialisation Growth and Sustainable Development ,12-17 February 2023, Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe.
  • Masamba T, Nzero I and Kajongwe C, ‘Impact of Internal Auditing Function on Good Corporate Governance in Zimbabwe’s Public Sector’, paper presented at the  Fifth Chinhoyi University of Technology International Conference Innovation, Industrialization Growth and Sustainable Development ,12-17 February 2023, Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe.
  • Nzero 1 ‘’Competition enforcement as a mechanism to fight corruption: exploring strategies for Zimbabwe’, paper presented at the Corporates and Corruption Symposium at University Of Zimbabwe  2023 Research Innovation And Industrialization Week, 29 May- 03 June 2023.