Dr Patricia Muchena

Job title: Senior Lecturer

Regional Campus: Manicaland

Faculty: Science

Department: Physical Education and Sport

Academic Qualifications:  Doctor of Philosophy in Physical Education and Sport, (Zimbabwe

Open University)

Med Educational Management (Zimbabwe

Open University)

Bed Physical Education and Sport (University of Zimbabwe)

C.E Certificate in Education (Mutare Teachers’ College)


  • Phd Thesis title: Coping Strategies to Eliminate Sexual Harassment of Female Athletes in Tertiary Institutions in Manicaland – Zimbabwe


Own book publications

1) Muchena, P. (2013).Incidence of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) following application of eccentric and concentric contractions. Online Publication by LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany.ISBN:978-659-34595-1 February 2013.

 I have co-authored the following papers.

2) Mapfumo, J. & Muchena, P. (2013) School connectedness: Exploring the concept in Zimbabwean schools. Academic Research International (ARInt) Volume, 4 No, 2 March 2013.

3).Muchena, P., Mapfumo, J., &Dhlomo, T. (2013) Sexual harassment among college female athletes. The International Open & Distance Learning Journal Volume, 1 Issue (1) June 2013.

4) Muchena, P. & Mapfumo, J. (2013).Sexual harassment among the Zimbabwe National Youth Games (ZNYG) under-twenty female athletes: A study of the 2012 games. The Dyke Journal of the Midlands State University ISSN (1815-9036) Volume 7, Issue (2) 2013.

5) Muchena, P. & Mapfumo. (2013)Sexual harassment among Zimbabwe elite sports women: A study of ZITISU 2012 Games. American Based Research Journal ISSN (2304-7151) Volume 2, Issue 7.

6) Mapfumo, J. & Muchena, P. (2014). Sources of Stress and Coping

Mechanisms among Under-Twenty High School Athletes: A Study

Conducted at the Zimbabwe National Youth Games (ZNYG) Manicaland

2013 Chapter. Academic Research International Vol. 5 Issue (3) May 2014.

7) Dhlomo, T., Muchena, P., & Gunhu, M.R. (2015). Sexual harassment

symptoms: The effects on Female college students’ academic

functioning. International Organization Scientific Researcher Journal   of

  Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Vol. 20, Issue 8, Ver.1 (August

            2015) pp 40-43 e ISSN 2279-0837,p-ISSN:2279-0845.

8) Mapfumo, J.& Muchena, P. (2016). Unfaithfulness among married

couples. International Organization Scientific Researcher Journal of

  Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) Vol. 21, Issue 5, Ver.3 (May 

        2016) pp 110-122 e ISSN 2279-0837,p-ISSN:2279-0845.

9)  Muchena, P. & Mapfumo, J (2016). Sources of stress and coping

mechanisms among teachers’ college athletes:  A study conducted

at the Zimbabwe  Teachers ’College Sports Association (ZITCOSA)

  1. Paper accepted for publication in the International Open &

                                     Distance Learning On line Journal and was content/ peer reviewed


10)  Mapfumo. J, Muchena, P. & Madziwa, C. (2017) The nature and extent of

gender- based Violence on girls in high schools in Manicaland

Province, Zimbabwe. Paper published by Dzimbahwe Journal of

                                       Multidisciplinary Research Volume 1 Issue 2

11) Muchena, P.& Makotamo, J. (2017). Drug misuse among High School

candidates in Mutare urban and peri Manicaland Province, Zimbabwe.

Paper published by IOSR Journal of Research & Methods in Education

                           (IOSR-JRME e-ISSN2320-7388,p-ISSN: 2320-737X Volume7, Issue

                           3Ver,IV(May-June 2017).pp63-72 WWW.iosrjournalsorg.

12) Makotamo, J. Muchena, P. & Tengwi, J (2017) Effects of drug abuse on high

school students in Mutare urban and peri urban-Manicaland

Province, Zimbabwe. Paper accepted for publication by The International

                                        Institute for Science, Technology & Education (IISTE): Journal of

                                        Health, Medicine & Nursing, ISSN 2422-8419 Vol.

 13) Muchena. P. & Kanhukamwe O. (2017). The place of the B.Sc. (Honours) in

Physical Education and Sport graduate in the implementation of the new

education curriculum. Communiqué. A monthly newsletter for the

                               Department of Physical Education and Sport. Vol. 2, Issue 8, pp. 1-3. 


 Research in progress

The following article entitled:

  • Best help strategies of mentors on teaching practice as perceived by college students on internship in schools – Manicaland Province, Zimbabwe.Compiling data
  • High school girls responses on gender –based violence (GBV)- Writing

background of the study.

Conference papers presented:

I have presented the following papers.


  1. Muchena, P. & Mapfumo, J. (2012) Sexual harassment among Zimbabwe elite sports women: A case study of ZITISU games 2012” Paper presented at the Zimbabwe National Youth Games 2nd Scientific Conference held at Kimberly Reef Hotel, Bindura (2012).
  2. Muchena, P.& Mapfumo, J. (2012) Sexual harassment among college female athletes” Paper presented at the ZOU 2nd International Research Conference held at HICC 2012).
  3. Muchena, P. & Mapfumo, J. (2012) Sexual harassment among the Zimbabwe National Youth Games (ZNYG) under-twenty female athletes: a case study of the 2012 games. Paper presented at the ZOU 39th SOUTHERN AFRICAN SOCIETY FOR EDUCATION CONFERENCE 2012.
  4. Muchena, P. & Mapfumo, J. (2015) Sources of stress and coping mechanisms among teachers’ college athletes: A study conducted at the Zimbabwe Teachers ’College Sports Association (ZITCOSA) 2013. Paper presented at the ZOU Faculty of Science and Technology Research Conference 08-09 October 2015.
  5. Muchena, P. & Makotamo J (2016)“Drug misuse by high school candidates in Mutare Urban and Peri urban” Paper presented at the ZOU Faculty of Science and Technology Research Conference 20-21 October 2016.
  6. Makotamo J, Muchena, P. & Tengwi, J.(2017)“ Effects of misuse of drugs on high school students in Mutare urban and peri Manicaland Province, Zimbabwe” Paper presented at the Vice Chancellor Research  seminar 29 March 2017.


  •      Reviewed ten units ZOU module PHES111 Anatomy and Physiology in (2015).

Report attached.

  • Wrote 5 units of ZOU module PESC105 Athletics Physical Activities  (2017)

Module submitted to the department.

  • Wrote 7 units of ZOU module Phes 416 Skill, tactic and technique development in


  • Wrote 6 units of MSPH 524 Recreation, lifetime fitness and wellness


Other module writing in progress

  • MPES 507 Promotion and Marketing of Physical Education, Sport and Recreation

course outline presented to department for review.

  • MPES 508 Strategic Leadership in Physical Education and Sport

Management outline presented to department for review.

3) MPES 515 Current Issues in PE, and Sport course outline completed ready for

presentation to department for review.

 (4)           MPES 512 Health, Lifestyle, Fitness and Wellness course outline ready for presentation to the department.

 (5)            PECSS 106 Gymnastics and Educational dance Physical Activities course

outline ready for presentation  to the department.