Mrs. Needmore Mercy Mudzingwa

MSc Geography Simferopol State University ,1990

Masters in environmental policy and planning (MEPP), University of Zimbabwe, 2004

Mashonaland West Regional Campus


  • Tanyanyiwa V.I, Mudzingwa N.M Drylands Household response as continuum of on and off Farm Strategies. Insights from Chivi, Zimbabwe, in a closer look at climate change Peredis R ed 2020
  • Haret S, Machamacha M and Mudzingwa N.M. Community based management initiative Case study from Harare, Zimbabwe, International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, Volume 7, 3 2011
  • Sango I, Taru P, Mudzingwa N.M. and Kuvarega T, Social and biological Impacts of Mhangura Mine closure. Journal of Sustainable Development Africa, Volume 8 No 3 pages 86-204

Modules Written

Mudzingwa N.M () Natural Hazards and Human Response, Module HGES 208, Zimbabwe Open University