. Dr T. Zinyama PhD in Marketing, (UKNZ), MBA (UZ), BBS (Hons) (UZ).

Dr Tabitha Zinyama is a Regional Director at the Zimbabwe Open University –Mashonaland East Regional Campus. She holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Marketing from the University of KwaZulu Natal (UKZN), a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from University of Zimbabwe (UZ), Honours in Business Studies (UZ). Dr Zinyama is a Council and Senate Member of the Zimbabwe Open University. She served as a Kushinga Phikelela Polytechnic Advisory Board member from 2015 -2018.  She chairs all regional Campus sub-committees and oversees the regional campus’s smooth running and coordination of academic and non-academic processes (students’ admissions, student registration, conducting of tutorials, marking of assignments and examinations, research work/consultancy). Dr Zinyama’s research interests are management, marketing and open and distance learning.

She can be contacted by

Email: zinyamata@zou.ac.zw or zinyamat@gmail.com

Cell number: 0772328639