- Overview
The Zimbabwe Open University is in the process of establishing the ZOU Agro-Techno Park in phases, with financial support from the Ministry of Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology Development. The site is at the ZOU farm situated approximately 6 km from Kadoma along the Kadoma Sanyati road. The Agro-Techno Park embraces salient agricultural practices within the entire value chain of horticultural crops. The Park, under construction, features facilities such as modern teaching laboratories for students and farmers, state of the art green houses, cutting-edge drip and Centre-pivot irrigation systems, highly mechanized farming machinery and post-harvest handling facilities that include warehouses, cold rooms and pack sheds.
The Agro-techno Park capitalizes on all facets of Education 5.0 evinced in a high-value agricultural production set up. Hence, it is a nexus for respective researchers, farmers, students and the business sector. It is the earmarked home for innovative research, where modern technologies will be disseminated to industry, entrepreneurs and the public at large. The park is central to the development of partnerships between farmers, the private sector and University staff. Besides seeking to generate income to support the university, the park plays a critical role in increasing competence of relevant management staff, farmers, students (capacity building), and facilitation of intellectual property (IP) production. For more information, contact us.
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