The Department of Banking & Finance is one of the academic departments in the Faculty of Commerce, which offers Banking & Finance degree programmes every year to the undergraduates of the faculty since 2000. The Department of Banking and Finance is committed to providing a well-rounded banking and finance education and co-curricular experience to all its students. The department is basically focused on the subject areas of Finance, Bank Management, Investments, Financial Markets and Institutions. The primary focus of the department is to enhance undergraduate and postgraduate learning and knowledge by teaching particularly in Banking & Finance and technology, and in close association with industry and commerce.
The Department of Banking and Finance offers three-degree programmes, namely,
Bachelor of Commerce in Banking and Finance Honours (BBFH-four year programme),
Bachelor of Commerce in Banking and Finance Special Honours (BBFSH-one year programme)
and Bachelor of Banking and Finance Honours (BABF-two year programme).
The department has subimitted a package for Masters of Commerce Banking & Finance to be accredited by ZIMCHE.
Department Chairperson

Dr Barbara Mbuyisa
Dr Barbara Mbuyisa is a Senior Lecturer and Regional Programme Coordinator in Bulawayo Regional Campus at ZOU. She holds a DPhil (Development Finance & Entrepreneurial Economics), (Wits University, ), a MBA (NUST) and a BComm in Banking, (NUST). She is a Reviewer, a PhD supervisor and internal examiner in the arears of Development Finance & Entrepreneurial Economics. Her research interests are in Entrepreneurship, Financial Literacy, Poverty Alleviation issues, Development Finance, Gender Equality and Women Empowerment. She has also written modules in Marketing of Financial Services, International Banking, Principles of Economics. Dr Mbuyisa has contributed to 17 units of published ZOU modules, and she has also published 12 papers in referred journals.
Department Staff

Mr Itumelang Magadi




