The Department was established in 1999 with a Bachelor of Science in Geography Degree with 3 courses per semester. In August 2005, the program was converted to BSc Hons In Geography and Environmental Studies with 3 courses per semester. In 2016 the program was converted to BSc Hons In Geography and Environmental Studies with 4 courses per semester. January 2021, the program was revised, and the regulations changed. The program was converted to BSc Hons In Geography and Environmental Studies with 5 courses per semester. Currently, the program is guided by the minimum board of knowledge concept where 80% of the course loading are the same across universities, with a variation of 20%.
When the program started in 1999, lecturers were part time and were paid a quarter of the full-time lecturer `s salary. In 2005, the university recruited full time lecturers for all the regional campuses. In 1999 there were no hardy copy modules. Lecturers prepared some notes for the students. Hardy copy modules were introduced in 2000 and tutorial sessions were reduced to 6hrs per semester. Tutorials were face to face. The registration process was physical, students had to visit the clerk and the lecturer for guidance and approval. Payments were done physically. Assignments were marked physically at regional campuses with the help of part time tutors at various regional campuses.
In 2017, the university introduced the My Vista E learning platform under the initiative of ODEL (Open and Distance E Learning). This system is efficient as most processes are done online. The department upload courses on offer on my vista platform online with the assistance of the IT and the academic registry units. Students can use various options to pay their fees online. A paid-up student accesses all learning materials online such as the courses on offer, the module, tutorial letters, assignments, and the contact details of their lecturers. Students download assignment questions from my vista platform which they solve and upload for marking by responsible lecturers. Lecturers upload feedback files on my vista for students to see their marks. Some assignments are written online. Marking of such assignments is automatic. At the end of each semester, the academic registry processes the coursework marks which are combined with exam mark for the student to get a final mark.
The Department specializes in teaching Geographical Sciences and Environmental Management courses.
Our graduates are working in Government and Non-Governmental Organizations in Zimbabwe and abroad. Some graduates are entrepreneurs who have started businesses to solve environmental issues as well ensuring sustainable management of natural resources. Various studies have been conducted by our staff and students to solve different environmental issues affecting the communities locally and abroad.
Our courses are assisting other departments in the university. For example, the Department of Agriculture has borrowed HGES 408: GIS and HGHES 404: Natural Resources Conservation and management courses. We teach the students from the faculty of education under the Bed Geography program. Our Staff members who are trained teachers participate in teaching practice supervision, assisting the Education department.
Our Department is a Water net member. Some of our Staff members were part of a technical team which wrote a proposal for the Integrated Master Plan for the proposed Kondo Dam in Chisumbanje. Our members assisted with the crafting of questions and technical advice during the census. Consultancy activities such as the Environmental Impact Assessment in mining are some of the activities done by some of our members.
We also participated in the crafting of the Local Environmental Action Plan (LEAP) for the city of Bulawayo in February 2023
Bachelor of Science Honors in Geography and Environmental Studies (4 years)
Normal Entry: To qualify for registration, a prospective student must have passed at least five ‘O’ level subjects, including Geography, English Language and Mathematics with a Grade C or better.
Special Entry: An ‘A’ level pass in Geography or other approved subject/qualification such as a Diploma in Education (Geography) or any Geography /Environment related field shall be an added advantage.
Exemptions: A student may be exempted in accordance with the General Regulations of Zimbabwe Open University; or have an equivalent university entry qualification.
Department Chairperson

Department Staff






