Department of Development Studies

Department Chairperson

  • Dr. T. Tom
    Dr. T. Tom

Department Staff

  • Mr. D. Dewa
    Mr. D. Dewa
  • Mr. W. Moyo
    Mr. W. Moyo
  • Mr. T. Guzura
    Mr. T. Guzura
Dr. T. Tom

Contact details

National Centre

Tel: +263 242 764595 Ext. 410



Areas of interests in research

Sociology of Development, Social Policy, Agrarian Studies

Selected Publications

  1. Tom, T. (2022). Zimbabwe’s fast-track land reform at 20: Exploring disability inclusion and the attendant policy implications. Disability & Society. [Taylor & Francis]
  2. Tom, T. (2021). Covid-19, lockdown and peasants in Zimbabwe. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 48(5), 939-954. [Taylor & Francis]
  3. Tom, T. (2021). Youth and citizenship rights after Zimbabwe’s land reform. Journal of Applied Youth Studies, 4(1), 51-66. [Springer]
  4. Chipenda, C., & Tom, T. (2021). Zimbabwe political manoeuvrings and authoritarian consolidation during the COVID-19 pandemic: Reflections on the year 2020. Quarterly Journal of the Afrifuture Research and Development Trust, 1(1), 101-129. [Afrifuture]
  5. Tom, T., & Chipenda, C. (2020). Covid-19, lockdown and the family in Zimbabwe. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 51(3-4), 288-300. [University of Toronto Press].
  6. Chipenda, C., & Tom, T. (2019). The generational questions after land reform in Zimbabwe: A social reproduction perspective. African Journal of Economic and Management Studies, 11(3), 403-425. [Emerald Publishing]


Book Chapters

  1. Tom, T. (2022). Agrarian futures matter: A1 farmers’ investment in land and agriculture post Zimbabwe’s land reform. In, G. Mkodzongi (Ed.), The Future of Zimbabwe’s Agrarian Sector: Land Issues in the Time of Transition. London: Routledge.
  2. Chipenda, C., & Tom, T. (2022). The youth and land access challenges: Critical reflections from post-fast track land reform Zimbabwe. In C. Greiner., S. Van Wolputte and M. Bollig (Eds.), African Futures (pp. 185-196). Leiden/Boston: Brill.
  3. Chipenda, C., & Tom, T. (2022). Local politics of inclusion and exclusion: Exploring the situation of migrant labourers and their descendants after land reform in rural Zimbabwe. In, K. Forester & J. Jarman (Eds.), The Right to be Rural: Citizenship outside the City. Edmonton: The University of Alberta Press.
  4. Tom, T., & Chipenda, C. (2021). Karl Marx is long dead, long live Karl Marx: Zimbabwe’s Fast-Track Land Reform Viewed through Marxist Lenses. In S. Ndlovu-Gatsheni and M. Ndlovu (Eds.), Marxism and Decolonization in the 21st Century Living Theories and True Ideas (Chapter 18). London: Routledge.
  5. Tom, T. (2020). Zimbabwe’s land reform as alternative social policy and decoloniality in action. In M. Khan and G. Mkodzongi (Eds.), Africa, History and Culture (Chapter 8). Dubuque: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company.
  6. Tom, T. (2020). Alternative approaches to Africa’s development: Zimbabwe’s land reform interrogated through gender lenses. In: J. Kurebwa (Ed.), Gender in an African Setting (pp. 168-191). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
  7. Tom, T. (2020). Reclaiming Africa’s development through indigenous knowledge systems: A focus on Zimbabwe. In E. Benyera (Ed.), Breaking the Colonial ‘Contract’: From Oppression towards Autonomous Decolonial Futures (pp.129-150). London: Rowman & Littlefield Group Incorporated.
  8. Tom, T., & Tomy, K. (2020). Contract farming as covert perpetuation of colonial capitalist hegemony? The Zimbabwe context. In E. Benyera (Ed.), Breaking the Colonial ‘Contract’: From Oppression towards Autonomous Decolonial Futures (pp.71-92). London: Rowman & Littlefield Group Incorporated.
  9.  Tom, T. (2019). A youth perspective to participation and local governance in Zimbabwe’s post-fast track land reform farms. In J. Kurebwa, & O. Dodo (Eds.), Participation of Young People in Governance Processes in Africa (pp. 220-246). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. (eBook).
  10. Tom, T., & Chipenda, C. (2019).  Local grassroots mechanisms for justice, peace-building and social cohesion in Zimbabwe’s ‘new’ farm communities. In E. Benyera (Ed.), Indigenous, traditional and non-state transitional justice in Southern Africa: Namibia and Zimbabwe. London: Rowman & Littlefield Group Incorporated. ISBN 978-1-4985-9282-6
  11. Tom, T., & Chipenda, C. (2019). Decolonising Our Land, Space and Livelihood Sources: Zimbabwe’s Land Reform Viewed from the Wider Vision of Social Policy. In A. Nhemachena & M. Mawere (Eds.), Who Owns the Weather and Climate? Empire, Climate Engineering and Environmental Discourses on Climate Change in Africa. Bamenda: Langaa RPCIG.
  12. Tom, T. & Chipenda, C. (2019). Moving beyond neo-colonial lamentations over decolonising African land and environments: The model of Zimbabwe as the future. In A. Nhemachena & M. Mawere (Eds.), Who Owns the Weather and Climate? Empire, Climate Engineering and Environmental Discourses on Climate Change in Africa. Bamenda: Langaa RPCIG. ISBN 10:9956-550-46-9.
  13. Chipenda, C., & Tom, T. (2018). The vacuity of the responsibility to protect? Insecurities and social protection. In M. Mawere & A. Nhemachena (Eds.), Rethinking securities in an emergent technoscientific new world order: Retracing the contours for Africa’s hi-jacked future (pp. 135-170). Bamenda: Langaa RPCIG. ISBN 10-9956-764-11-6.


Country Reports

  1. Chipenda, C., & Tom, T. (2021). Zimbabwe’s Social Policy Response to Covid-19: Temporary Food Relief and Cash Transfers. [CRC 1342 / No. 23, Covid-19 Social Policy Response Series]. University of Bremen, Germany: CRC 1342.


Conference, Workshop and Seminar Presentations


  1. Tom, T. (2022). Disability, Inequality and Social Policy in a Covid-19 Context in Zimbabwe. A paper presented at the 27th South African Sociological Association, SASA Conference – Reimagining the Present and the Future. [Sociology of Poverty, Inequality and Social Policy 3 – Social Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic 1 Panel], 12 July 2022
  2. Tom, T. (2022). Social Policy Questions Yet to be Effectively Answered: Accessibility and Security of People with Disabilities in Zimbabwe’s Urban Areas. A paper presented at the DSI/NRF SARChI Chair in Social Policy, UNISA, College of Graduate Studies Webinar, 7 July 2022
  3. Tom, T. (2021). Land Reform and then What? Farmers’ Investment in Agriculture as a Transformative Pathway after Zimbabwe’s fast-tracked Land Reform. A paper presented at the 15th International Conference of Africanists – ‘Destinies of Africa in The Modern World’ [Perspectives of Young African Agrarian Scholars on Achieving Socioeconomic Transformation in Africa Panel], Moscow, Russia [Online], 24-26 May 2021.
  4. Tom, T. (2021). The Right to be Rural: Social Services in Zimbabwe’s Resettlement Areas Two Decades after the Fast Track Land Reform. A paper presented at the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) 2021 General Conference, (Globalisation and Social Questions in the Countryside Panel) [Online], 30 August – 3 September 2021.
  5. Tom, T., & Chipenda, C. (2021). Social Policy by Other Means: Contemporary Perspectives on Land reform as an Alternative Social Policy Instrument. A paper presented at the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) 2021 General Conference, (Welfare in the Global South: Between Popular Contention, Statebuilding and Internationalisation Panel) [Online], 30 August – 3 September 2021.
  6. Chipenda, C., & Tom, T. (2021). Rethinking the Transformative Role of Social Policy: Critical Insights on Zimbabwe’s Responses to the Covid-19 pandemic. A paper presented at the Development Studies Association (DSA) 2021 Annual Conference: Unsettling Development, University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom [Online], 28 June – 2 July 2021.
  7. Tom, T. (2019). Social Policy Pathways: Investment in Agriculture as an Alternative Social Policy ‘Instrument’ in Zimbabwe. A paper presented at the Social Policy in Africa International Conference. [Land and Agrarian Reform: the social policy perspectives Panel], 25-27 November 2019, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa.
  8. Tom, T. (2019). Responsible investment in agriculture and food systems in Zimbabwe: Successes, challenges and lessons for other African countries. A paper presented at the Round Table Discussion on Land Reform, Food Sovereignty and Accumulation In Africa 6-7 May 2019. UNISA Main Campus, Pretoria South Africa.
  9. Tom, T. and Ngombe, F. (2019). ‘New’ farmers, ‘new’ land: Capital accumulation and food security in Zimbabwe’s post Fast Track Land Reform Programme (FTLRP) era. A paper presented at the Round Table Discussion on Land Reform, Food Sovereignty and Accumulation in Africa 6-7 May 2019. UNISA Main Campus, Pretoria South Africa.


Membership of Research Bodies & Professional Associations


Awards, Appointments, Invitations & Grants

Mr. D. Dewa

Contact Details

Senior Lecturer/Regional Programme Co-Ordinator

Midlands Regional campus



Areas of interests in research

Governance, Climate Change, Peace and Conflict, Human Rights, Sustainable Development

Mr. W. Moyo

Contact Details

Senior Lecturer/Regional Programme Co-ordinator

Matabeleland North Regional campus

Contact:      +263 812822002/ 2821810




Areas of interests in research

Rural development, Urban development, Community development, Poverty, Gender and Peace studies


Selected Publications

Journals articles

  1. Moyo, W. and Gasva, D. The Impact of Savings and Credit Cooperatives (SACCOs) on Sustainable Livelihoods in Rural Communities, Social Science, Humanities and Sustainability Research 3. (1) 2022 ISSN 2690-3636
  2. Sibanda N. and Moyo W. Community Perceptions on Spectator Violence in Football Matches in Zimbabwe, Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences,2018; 6(3) ISSN 2347-5374
  3. Moyo W. Factors contributing to low sanitation and hygiene coverage: A case of Blair ventilated improved pit latrines in Hwange District International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2017, Vol. 7, No.3, ISSN:2222-6990
  4. Moyo W. Urban housing policy and its implications on the low-income earners of a Harare municipality in Zimbabwe, International Journal of Asian Social Science, 2014, 4(3) pg.356-365 ISSN 2241-4441
  5. Moyo W. and Nkomo T. A comparative analysis of the effectiveness of organizations of people with disabilities and organizations for people with disabilities in advocacy and outreach Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 2014; 2(6A):900-908, ISSN 2347-5374
  6. Moyo W. Improper solid waste disposal: A cause for concern in an urban environment Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 2018; 6(3) ISSN 2347-5374
  7. Chisango F., Ncube S., Moyo W. and Gasva D. Impact of Mining Chemical Waste Management and Disposal on Environment and Water Pollution to Local Communities in Zimbabwe: A Case of Hwange Coal Fields in Matabeleland North Region, International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies 3, Issue 2, 2015, page no 147-153, ISSN 2321-9203
  8. Chisango F.F.T., Moyo W., Gasva D. and Muleya L. Impact of new rural goat marketing through auction sales pens to the livelihood of small-holder producers under the on-going advocacy for small livestock value addition- a panacea for rural poverty eradication in Zimbabwe, International Journal of Humanities and Social Studies 3, Issue 2, 2015, ISSN 2321-9203
  9. Moyo W. and Gasva D. The effectiveness of Non-governmental organisations to rural livelihoods in Hwange East with emphasis to food and nutrition, income generating projects and sanitation, Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 2017; 5(1) ISSN 2347-5374
  10. Moyo W. and Gasva D. Factors that affect multiple uses and sustainable supply of water in rural communities, Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences 2017; 5(1) ISSN 2347-5374
  11. Nyathi S. and Moyo W. The Impact of Regulatory Framework on the Conduct of Credit Providers in the Consumer Credit Market in South Africa, The International Journal of Business and Management, Vol.3 Issue 2,2015, page no.45-54, ISSN 2321-8916
  12. Moyo W. The impact of the Land Reform Programme in Matabeleland North Province : A Case of Woodlands Resettlement Area in Hwange, Zimbabwe, Asian Journal of Social Sciences and Management Studies, 2, No. 4, page 125-132 (2015) ISNN 2313-7401
  13. Moyo N. Gasva D and Moyo W. The nature and effects of media polarization on political reporting in Zimbabwe, North Asian International Research Journal of Social Science & Humanities ISSN: 2454-9827 Vol. 2, Issue 9, page 1-16,
  14. Moyo W. An assessment of the contribution of road transport systems to smallholder agricultural production in Zimbabwe, International Journal for Research in Applied Sciences, Vol 1 issue 1 ISSN 2327-8616
  15. Phiri Y. Moyo W. and Gasva D. Challenges of human- wildlife conflict on food security and livelihoods in Hwange district, Zimbabwe, North Asian International Research Journal of Social Science & Humanities Vol. 2, Issue 9, 17-35 ISSN: 2454-9827



  1. Gasva, D. and Moyo, W. (2016). Introduction to Conflict Management: A Guide to Beginners, Saarbrucken, Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN: 978-3-659-76810-1


Conference & Workshops Paper Presentations

  1. Moyo, W. Rainwater Harvesting and Management of Community Water as an Approach of Water Conservation of Insiza, District, Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences, Water Forum 10/07/2014
  2. Moyo, W. Perceptions of Students on the Appropriate mode of teaching and learning in Open and Distance learning, Zimbabwe Open University Vice Chancellor’s Research Day, 03/04/ 2017.
  3. Moyo, W. Online teaching and marking: In pursuit of quality in tertiary education, Zimbabwe Open University Matabeleland North Province Quality Awareness Workshop for Tutors, Matabeleland North Regional Campus, 19/04/ 2019.
Mr. T. Guzura

Contact details

Senior Lecturer/Regional Programme Co-ordinator

Bulawayo Regional campus

Contact:      +263(0)292 885060/ 61749

