Amos Tendai Munzara


Doctor of Philosophy in Development Economics (Zimbabwe Open University, Zimbabwe, 2019)

Master of Commerce in Financial Economics (Great Zimbabwe University, Zimbabwe, 2015)

Master of Business Administration (Zimbabwe Open University, Zimbabwe, 2010)

BSc. Mathematics and Statistics (Zimbabwe Open University, Zimbabwe, 2004)

Diploma in Education (University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe, 1995)

Location: National Centre, Harare

                  Corner House, 7th Floor

                 Corner L. Takawira/ S. Machel Avenue




  1. Kwaramba, P., Kurasha, J., Dube, L. & Munzara, A.T. (2022). Perspectives on Research – Industry Moral Synergy in Zimbabwe: Differential views – Academia relative to industry. Journal of Humanities and Social Science (ISOR-JHSS), Vol 27, Issue 9, Series 3, pp 17-24,
  2. Mumanyi, M., Mupemhi, S., Masaka, J.D. & Munzara, A.T. (2020). Electronic word-of-mouth and consumer confusion: Evidence from mushroom value-chain in Zimbabwe. Current Business Issues Journal (CBIJ), Vol 3, Issue 2, pp 40 – 58.
  3. Amos Tendai Munzara and Lighton Dube (2020). The Impact of the Multicurrency System on Foreign Direct Investment Inflows to Zimbabwe, Journal of Economics and Political Sciences 1(2): 12-25 – ESSN 2707-8515,
  4. Munzara, A. T. & Sunge, R (2015). Human Capital Investment Decisions: A Logit Model of Willingness to Attain Professional Teaching Qualifications by Uncertified Graduate Teachers in Harare Province, Zimbabwe. The Internal Journal of Humanities & Social Studies. Vol. 3 Issue 6, pp 114-121. ISSN 2321-9203
  5. Munzara, A. T. (2015). A comparative study of preferences by uncertified graduate teachers in Zimbabwe to acquire professional teaching qualifications. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social science. Vol 20, Issue 6, Ver. IV pp 95-99 e-ISSN: 2279-0837
  6. Munzara, A.T. (2015). Impact of Foreign Debt on Economic Growth in Zimbabwe. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance.e-ISSN:2321-5933. Volume 6, Issue 5. Ver. II, pp 87-91

  1. Munzara, A.T and Musina, E. (2015). The Impact of Corporate Tax Rates on Total Corporate Tax Revenue: The Case of Zimbabwe (1980-2013). IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol. 6, Issue 5. Ver II, pp 97-102
  2. Munzara, A.T (2015). Escaping Deflation in Zimbabwe: The Role of Fiscal and Monetary Policies. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance.
  3. Munzara, A.T (2015). The Consequences of Implementing the Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Policy Framework on the Banking Sector in Zimbabwe. IOSR Journal of Business and Management.