Edmore Nhamo
- Doctor of Philosophy in Sports management (Current Studies) UNISA
- Master of Science in Strategic management (2008) CUT (Merit)
- Bachelor of Science in Physical Education and Sport (2005) ZOU [Upper second]
- Diploma in Training Management (1997) IPMZ [Distinction]
- Diploma in Education (1992) UZ [Pass]
- International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL)
- Edmore Nhamo (2012) Factors that affect the Teaching of PE in Zimbabwe: An Exploration of primary schools in Chinhoyi Urban. Online Journal of Education Research (OJER) ISSN 2277-0860, Volume 1, Issue 4 (July 2012) pp 65-72
- Edmore Nhamo (2012) Strategic Alignment in Zimbabwean Sports Organisations: JM International Journal of ManagemeSt, (JMIJMR) ISSN: 2229-4562, Volume -2, Issue- 6 (November 2012) pp73-83
- Edmore Nhamo, Margaret Tinny Muswazi (2013) The efficacy of strategic management processes: An empirical study of National Sports Associations of Zimbabwe. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p- ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume II, Issue 6 (July – August 2013), pp 01-12
- Margaret Tinny Muswazi, Edmore Nhamo (2013) Note Taking: A lesson for Novice Qualitative Researchers. IOSR Journal of Research and Method in Education. (IOSR-JRME) e-ISSN: 2320 – 7388, p-ISSN: 2320 – 737X. Volume 2, Issue 3 (July – August 2013), pp 13 – 17
- Edmore Nhamo, Tinny Margaret Muswazi (2013) The contribution of Sport and Physical activity towards the achievement of community health objectives in the Zimbabwean context. IOSR Journal of Sports and Physical Education (IOSR JSPE). e-ISSN: 2347-6745, p-ISSN: 2347-6737. Volume: 1, Issue 1(September – October. 2013) pp14-19
- Edmore Nhamo, Simbarashe Magonde (2013) Dance as a viable alternative to sport: effects of traditional dances on the health and fitness of Zimbabwean women. IOSR Journal of Sports and Physical Education (IOSR JSPE). e-ISSN: 2347-6745, p-ISSN: 2347-6737. Volume: 1, Issue 1 (Sep- Oct. 2013) pp20-28
- Edmore Nhamo, Simbarashe Magonde(2013)Information Technology Applications and Challenges: An Empirical Study of National Sports Associations of Zimbabwe. The International Journal Of Engineering And Science (IJES) ||Volume||2 ||Issue|| 7 ||Pages|| 18-25||2013|| ISSN(e): 2319 – 1813 ISSN(p): 2319 – 1805
- Edmore Nhamo, Tinny Margaret Muswazi (2014) Critical barriers impeding the delivery of Physical Education in Zimbabwean Primary and Secondary schools. IOSR Journal of Sports and Physical Education (IOSR-JSPE) e-ISSN: 2347-6745, p-ISSN: 2347-6737, Volume 1, Issue 3 (Jan. 2014), PP 01- 06
- Edmore Nhamo, Simbarashe Magonde (2014) Founding principles of Sport for Development in Zimbabwe and challenges impeding effective programme implementation. IOSR Journal of Sports and Physical Education. (IOSR JSPE) e-ISSN: 2347-6745, p-ISSN: 2347-6737. Volume 1, Issue5 (May-Jun. 2014), PP 23-28
- Edmore Nhamo, Patrick Sibanda (2014) Reviewing benefits and barriers associated with the participation of persons with disabilities in sport, exercise, physical and leisure activities. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN(Online):2319-7064 Volume 3, Issue 8, pp
- Never Assan, Edmore Nhamo (2014) Opportunities and needs in development and adoption of urban agriculture for improving food security in Sub Saharan Africa. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). ISSN (Online):2319-7064. Volume 3, Issue 8, pp
- Edmore Nhamo, Patrick Sibanda. Conceptions of People with Disabilities about their participation in the Zimbabwe Paralympic Games: An exploration of Tsholotsho District in Matabeleland North Province. IOSR Journal of Sports and Physical Education (IOSR-JSPE) e-ISSN: 2347-6745, p-ISSN: 2347-6737,in press, publication date 25/08/14
- Patrick Sibanda, Edmore Nhamo. Analysing the Disability-Sexuality Controversy. International Journal of Science and Research. (IJSR). ISSN (Online):2319-7064. Volume 3, Issue 8, in press
- Patrick Sibanda , Edmore Nhamo. Assessment of Citizenship Education and its Relevance to the Zimbabwean Situation. International Organization of Scientific Research Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN). e-ISSN:2250-3021, p-ISSN:2278-8719. In press
Regional Campus: Bulawayo