Simbarashe Magonde
Regional Programme Coordinator (Midlands Region)
DPhil Candidate
M.Phil. (Physical Education and Sport)
B.Sc. in Physical Education and Sport
Bachelor of Technology in Education
Diploma in Education
Mobile: +263 (0) 772 658 678
- Magonde, S and Nhamo, E . Challenges faced by the Zimbabwe Football Association on Securing Corporate Sponsorship Vol 3 issue 11 Nov 2014 International Journal of Science and Science and Research (IJSR)
- Magonde, S et al The impact of Advertising of Brand Equity nutriplus Beverage , on the Performance of the Manufacturing Company . International Journal of Management Sciences and Business Research 2014 I SSN (2226- 8235) Vol -3 Issue 8
- Magonde , S and Nhamo , E Information Technology Application and challenges : An Empirical study of National sports Association of Zimbabwe .International Journal of Engineering and Science (I J E S) Vol 2/ ISSUE 7 ? 25 July 2013 pages 18-25
- Magonde ,S and Nhamo, E Dance as a viable alternative to sport: Effects of traditional Dance s on the health and fitness of Zimbabwean (IOSR) Journal of Sports and Physical Education (IOSR – JSPE) Vol. 1 (September -October 2013) pages 20-28
- Magonde , S and Nhamo, E The Founding Principles of Sport for Development Programmes In Zimbabwe and Challenges impeding effective Journal of Sports and Physical Education Vol 1 ISSUE 5 MAY – JUNE 2014
- Tsitsi , P and Magonde ,S Perceptions of Male Students on Circumcision: A Case study of Midlands State Open and Distance Education Journal (ZOU).
- Magonde,S . Nhamo, E and – Factors Affecting ICT integration in the Teaching and Learning of PE in SA : A case of Johannesburg East Cluster Primary School in the Gauteng Province (2018)
- Magonde, S. Nhamo, E and Gumbo, S Teaching Strategies Employed by PE teachers in Gokwe North Primary Schools IJSEHR-2017-0123 International journal of sport,Exercise and Health
- Nemera P, Magonde, S and Nhamo, E. Causes of Spectator Violence during football matches at Division one level in Gweru,Zimbabwe