Vincent Itai Tanyanyiwa

  • Master of Science in Social Ecology – Centre for Applied Social Sciences, University of Zimbabwe, 07
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Project Planning & Management – University of Zimbabwe, 08]
  • Bachelor of Science Special Honours Degree in Urban Management Studies, Lupane State University, 17
  • Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Geography & Environmental Studies – Zimbabwe Open University, 04]
  • Diploma in Education – Secondary [Geography & Development Studies] – University of Zimbabwe, 95]
  • AuthorAID Course in Research Writing by INASP / AuthorAID (UK). Certificate of Achievement , 15.

Peer Reviewed Journal Publications

  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I., Marais, L. & du Plessis, L. Informal sector counterpower in Harare, Zimbabwe. GeoJournal (2023).
  2. Tanyanyiwa, V. I Marais L & du Plessis. L (2023) Bouncing back or bouncing forward in the informal sector: resilience during and post-Covid-19 in Harare. Critical African Studies. upcoming
  3. Tanyanyiwa, V.I (2021) Evolving Trends in the Generation, Transmission, Protection and Use of Indigenous Knowledge Systems. African Journal of Geography and Regional Planning 8 (9), pp. 001-003. ISSN: 2736-1586
  4. Tanyanyiwa, V. I & Madobi, R. (2021). Challenges to the Effective Teaching and Learning of Geography through ODeL at the Zimbabwe Open University. Journal of Learning for Development, 8(2), 364 -382. ISSN 2311-1550
  5. Tanyanyiwa, V. I (2019). Indigenous Knowledge Systems and the Teaching of Climate Change in Zimbabwean Secondary Schools. SAGE Open. pp.1-11


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I & R (2019). Undesignated Ranks in Harare: A Neglected Illegal Menace? KMITL- Journal of Multidisciplinary Social Research (JMSR). Vol.3. No.1. April – September (2019), pp.22-32. ISSN: 2539-6684


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V. I & Juba, O. S. (2018). Green Buildings and Water Management in Harare, Zimbabwe. UPLanD – Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design (Water), 3(2), 83-92. ISSN online 2531-9906


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I (2018). Environment-Friendly and Sustainable Transportation in Harare: Is a Functional Transportation Toolbox Model the Answer? UPLanD-Journal of Urban Planning, Landscape & Environmental Design (Sustainability), 3(1), 45-54. ISSN online 2531-9906


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I (2018). The Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the Opportunity: Crossroads of IKS and Tourism at Domboshawa. KMITL- Journal of Multidisciplinary Social Research (JMSR). No.2 Vol.1. April – September (2018), pp.14-24. ISSN: 2539-6684


  1. Kondongwe, R. & Tanyanyiwa V.I (2018). Introduction of Pre-Paid Electricity in Zimbabwe: Insights from Chitungwiza,’ International Open & Distance Learning Journal. Volume 2. No (4). pp 1-13. ISSN: 978-1-77938-8209


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I & Bakasa G. (2018). “Market gardening as livelihood option in Zimbabwe’s rural areas: Glimpses from ward 17, Chihota”, International Journal of Development and Sustainability (IJDS), 7 No. 3 (2018), pp.848-862. ISSN: 2186-8662.


  1. Juba, O, S., & Tanyanyiwa, V.I (2017). Perceptions on the use of bottled water in restaurants in Harare’s Central Business District (CBD), Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C10.1016/j.pce.2017.12.003


  1. Mupakati, T. & Tanyanyiwa, V.I (2017). ‘Cassava production as a climate change adaptation strategy in Chilonga Ward, Chiredzi District, Zimbabwe, Jàmbá: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies 9(1), a348. 10 pages. ISSN: (Online) 2072-845X, (Print) 1996-1421


  1. Makaya, E & Tanyanyiwa V. I (2017). Prevalence of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Blantyre, Malawi. American Journal of Environmental Protection (AJEP). 2016; 4(3):61-66. doi: 10.12691/env-4-3-1.ISSN (Print): 2328-7241 ISSN (Online): 2328-7233


  1. Kanyepi, T. & Tanyanyiwa, V.I. (2016). “Impacts of climate change on rain-fed agriculture in Matope Ward, Mt Darwin District, Zimbabwe,” International Journal of Development and Sustainability (IJDS), Vol. 5 No. 4, pp.187-198. ISSN: 2186-8662


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I & Kanyepi, T. (2015). Mixed Methods Research Strategies in Climate Change Adaptation in Mt Darwin District, Zimbabwe. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development (IJIRD), August 2015. Vol 4, Issue 2. pp 122-128, ISSN: 2278 -0211


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I & Mutambanengwe, B. (2015). Department Involvement in Instructional Materials Development for ODL Study at the Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU). Journal of Learning for Development (JL4D).2 No.2. 12 pp  ISSN 2311-1550


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I (2015). Mainstreaming at the Zimbabwe Open University, Opportunities and Challenges. International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies (IJIAS), 10, No. 4, pp. 1065 -1072, March 2015.ISSN 2028 – 9324.


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I (2015). Motivational Factors Influencing Littering in Harares Central Business District (CBD), Zimbabwe IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS),20, Issue 2, Ver. IV February 2015 pp 58-65. e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845. Doi: 10.9790/0837-20245865


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I (2015). Not in my backyard (NIMBY): The Accumulation of Solid Waste in the Avenues Area, Harare, Zimbabwe. International Journal of Innovative Research & Development (IJIRD), February 2015. Vol 4, Issue 2. pp 122-128, ISSN: 2278 – 0211(Online)


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I (2014). The Socio-Economic Impacts of Dambo (Seasonal Wetland) Cultivation under climate change in Domboshawa, Zimbabwe: The Zimbabwe Institution of Engineers (ZIE) Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology (JSET). Special Journal Issue of the Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences Water Forum. December 2014.Volume.2 Number 1. pp 39-47 ISSN-2306-5893


  1. Kanyepi, T & Tanyanyiwa, V.I (2014). Farmers’ Perception on Temperature, Rainfall Patterns and Water Stress in Matope Ward, Mt. Darwin District, Zimbabwe. Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, September 2014, Vol. 3, No.3 pp 43-61. ISSN:23342404(Print). ISSN:23342412(Online)Doi10.15640/jaes.v3n3a5.URL: http// / jases.v3n3a5


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I (2014). Decentralisation as a Rural Development Strategy in Zimbabwe: Good Policy but Bad Practise. International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research (IJISR). 12, no. 2, pp. 598-606, February 2015.ISSN 2351-8014


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I & Hakuna, C. (2014). The Feasibility of Movement to a Customs Union (CU) in the Southern African Development Community (SADC). International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies (IJIAS), 10, No. 2, pp. 745–751, February 2015. ISSN 2028 -9324.


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I & Hakuna, C. (2014). Challenges and Opportunities for Regional Integration in Africa: The Case of SADC. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), vol.19. Issue 12. Ver. IV. pp e-ISSN: 2279-0837, p-ISSN: 2279-0845. doi:9790/0837-19124103115.


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I (2014). Is the Inclusion of Geography in the School and University Curriculum Important in the 21st Century? International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research (IJISR). 12, no. 2, pp. 607-614, February 2015. ISSN 2351-8014


  1. Tanyanyiwa V. I & Chikwanha M. (2011). The role of indigenous knowledge systems in the management of forest resources in Mugabe area, Masvingo, Zimbabwe. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa (JSDA) Volume.13, No.3, pp 132-149. ISSN: 1520-5509


  1. Tanyanyiwa V. I & Mutungamiri, I. (2011). Residents’ Perception of Water and Sanitation Problems in Dzivarasekwa 1 High-Density Suburb, Harare. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa (JSDA). Volume 13, No.4, 2011). pp 309-342. ISSN: 1520-5509.
  • Peer Reviewed Book Chapters


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I & Madobi, R. (2022). The revitalisation of Higher in Zimbabwe: ‘STEM’ as a trajectory to sustainable socio-economic transformation: In Chirisa I (Eds) The Interplay of Community Innovations and State Interventionism in African Economics: Analysis and Prognostication on Zimbabwe Since 1965, University of Zimbabwe Publications, Harare, [In publication]


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I., Kanyepi, T., Katanha, A. (2022). Zimbabwe’s Pfumvudza Agriculture Programme-Reality or Rhetoric? In: Leal Filho, W., Kovaleva, M., Popkova, E. (eds) Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security. World Sustainability Series. Springer, Cham.


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I (2021). Pro-poor Adaptation to Climate Change in Harare, Zimbabwe: In Chirisa. I; Manyeruke, C & Moyana. R (Eds) Policy-Governance-Management Nexus in the Planning of Human Settlements in Zimbabwe (pp. 219-237) University of Zimbabwe Publications, Harare. ISBN978-1-77920-912-2


  1.  Kanyepi T., Tanyanyiwa V.I. (2021) Urban Water Governance in Zimbabwe: Opportunities and Challenges Toward SDG6. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A.M., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Wall T. (eds) Clean Water and Sanitation. Encyclopaedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham.


  1. Kanyepi T., Tanyanyiwa V.I., and Moyo L. (2021). From Potential to Reality: Implications of Groundwater Governance for a Water-Secure Southern Africa. In:  Hyung Choi, S., Shin E., Makarigakis, A. K., Sohn, O., Clench, C., Trudeau, M. (eds) UNESCO and UNESCO i-WSSM. 2021. The Role of Sound Groundwater Resources Management and Governance to Achieve Water Security (Series III). Global Water Security Issues (GWSI) Series – No.3, UNESCO Publishing, Paris. ISBN UNESCO 978-92-3-100468-1


  1. Gitonga F.K., Kanyepi T., Tanyanyiwa V.I. (2021) Faecal Sludge Management for Sustainable Cities: Glimpses from Kenya. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A.M., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Wall T. (eds) Clean Water and Sanitation. Encyclopaedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham.


  1. Tanyanyiwa V.I., Muhwati T. (2021) Attitudes Towards Climate Change in a Rural District in Zimbabwe: Indications from Guruve District. In: Leal Filho W., Luetz J., Ayal D. (eds) Handbook of Climate Change Management. Springer, Cham.


  1. Tanyanyiwa V.I. (2021) Networks for Resilience: Role of Social Capital in Climate Change Adaptation in Chishawasha, Zimbabwe. In: Leal Filho W., Luetz J., Ayal D. (eds) Handbook of Climate Change Management. Springer, Cham.


  1. Tanyanyiwa V.I., Kanyepi T. (2021) Environmental Education as a Technical or Vocational Subject in Zimbabwe’s Secondary Schools. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A.M., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Wall T. (eds) Partnerships for the Goals. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham.


  1. Tanyanyiwa V.I., Kanyepi T. (2020) Shanty Towns: A Solution to Housing Shortage Problems. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A.M., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Özuyar P.G., Wall T. (eds) No Poverty. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham.


  1. Tanyanyiwa V.I., Mufunda E. (2020) Community Development in Urban Areas Using Resident Participation as a Strategy. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A.M., Brandli L., Lange Salvia A., Özuyar P.G., Wall T. (eds) No Poverty. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham.


  1. Mufunda E., Tanyanyiwa V.I. (2020) Diabetes: Implications for Health and Well-Being. In: Leal Filho W., Wall T., Azul A., Brandli L., Özuyar P. (eds) Good Health and Well-Being. Encyclopaedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham.


  1. Tanyanyiwa V.I. (2020). Sanctuary in the City? Climate Change and Internally Displaced Persons in Harare, Zimbabwe. In: Leal Filho W., Nagy G., Borga M., Chávez Muñoz P., Magnuszewski A. (eds) Climate Change, Hazards, and Adaptation Options. Handling the Impacts of a Changing Climate. Climate Change Management. Springer, Cham (pp. 659-678) eBook ISBN 978-3-030-37425-9. DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-37425-9


  1. Tanyanyiwa V.I., Mufunda E. (2020). Sociocultural Impact of Climate Change on Women and the Girl Child in Domboshawa, Zimbabwe. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A.M., Brandli L., Özuyar P.G., Wall T. (eds) Climate Action. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham. Online ISBN 978-3-319-95885-9. DOI


  1. Tanyanyiwa V.I., Mufunda E. (2019). Gendered Impacts of Climate Change: The Zimbabwe Perspective. In: Leal Filho W., Azul A., Brandli L., Özuyar P., Wall T. (eds) Climate Action. Encyclopaedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Springer, Cham. Online ISBN 978-3-319-95885-9. DOI:


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V. I. (2019). The Impact of Climate Change and Variability on Small-Scale Peri-Urban Horticultural Farmers in Domboshawa, Zimbabwe. In R. Turvey, & S. Kurissery (Eds.), Intellectual, Scientific, and Educational Influences on Sustainability Research (pp. 46-69). Hershey, PA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-7302-9.ch003.


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I & Mudzingwa, N.M (2018). Dry Lands Households’ Responses as a Continuum of On and off Farm Strategies: Insights from Chivi, Zimbabwe. In: Paredes, R (Editor):  A Closer Look at Climate Change: Climate Change and its Causes, Effects and Prediction. (Pp 37-63) New York, USA: Nova Science Publishers. ISBN 978-1-53614-600-4


  1. Tume,S.J.P & Tanyanyiwa,V.I (2018). Introduction. In:  S.J.P. Tume & V.I. Tanyanyiwa (Eds) Climate Change Perception and Changing Agents in Africa & South Asia (pp1-17) Delaware, USA: Vernon Press: ISBN 1-62273-308-8.


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I  & Madobi. R (2018). It Takes Two to Tango: Actual and Potential Use of Weather and Climate Information for Decision-Making in Zimbabwe. In:  S.J.P. Tume & V.I. Tanyanyiwa (Eds) Climate Change Perception and Changing Agents in Africa & South Asia (pp 55-74) Delaware, USA: Vernon Press. ISBN 1-62273-308-8


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I & Tume,S.J.P  (2018). Conclusion. In:  S.J.P. Tume & V.I. Tanyanyiwa (Eds) Climate Change Perception and Changing Agents in Africa & South Asia (pp149-153) Delaware, USA: Vernon Press. ISBN 1-62273-308-8


  1. Tanyanyiwa V.I., Madobi R. (2018). Local Adaptation to Climate Extremes in Domboshawa: Opportunities and Limitations. In: Leal Filho W., Nalau J. (eds) Limits to Climate Change Adaptation. Climate Change Management. Springer, Cham. DOI Online ISBN 978-3-319-64599-5. Pages 191-208


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I. (2018). Weather Forecasting Using Local Traditional Knowledge (LTK) amid Climate Change in Domboshawa, Zimbabwe. In: Leal Filho W., Manolas E., Azul A., Azeiteiro U., McGhie H. (eds) Handbook of Climate Change Communication: Vol. 2. Climate Change Management. Springer, Cham. DOI Online ISBN 978-3-319-70066-3. Pages 1-20


  • Peer Reviewed Conference Proceedings 


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I & Mufunda, E (2019). Zimbabwe’s Primary Health Care: Does It Work? pp. 546-563.12th Zimbabwe International Research Symposium Book of Papers Presented, Theme: “The Nexus between Research and Industry: Key to Innovation and Sustainable Development”. 13th-15th February 2019.  ISBN Number: 978-1-77929-465-4; ISSN Number: 2412-2386. Published by the Research Council of Zimbabwe, Mount Pleasant, Harare


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I (2017). Exploring the Potential of Agritourism to Innovative Farmers in Zimbabwe pp. 570-586. 11th Zimbabwe International Research Symposium Book of Papers Presented, Theme “Research for Unlocking Entrepreneurship: Bridging the Gap.”16th-17th February 2017. ISSN Number: 2412-2386 / ISBN Number: 978-0-7974-7845-6, Published by the Research Council of Zimbabwe, Mount Pleasant, Harare


  1. Mangizvo, R.V. & Tanyanyiwa, V. I. (2017). Street Vending of Traditional Medicine: An Emerging Urban Geographical Phenomenon in Zimbabwe pp. 418-426, Conference Proceedings of Communication and Information Science in Fostering National Development in a Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Environment: National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Bulawayo, Zimbabwe ISBN:978-0-7974-8212-8; EAN: 9780797482128


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I & Mano, R. (2015). Solid Waste Management in Small Towns in Zimbabwe – Insights from Mvurwi. pp 419 – 434. 10th Zimbabwe International Research Symposium Book of Papers Presented, Theme “Research for Empowerment and Socio-Economic Transformation.”12th-13th February 2015, ISBN: 978-0-7974-6567-1 / ISSN: 2412-2386. Published by the Research Council of Zimbabwe, Mount Pleasant, Harare


  • Books


  1. Tanyanyiwa V.I. (2011) Understanding Collective: An Attempt to Document and Analyze Examples of Joint Community Engagements in Zimbabwe, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN-10: 3843385300, 116pp.
  2. Tanyanyiwa  V.I. (2011). Indigenous Fruits and Rural Livelihoods: The Case of Uapaca Kirkiana (Mazhanje) in Chishawasha Communal Area, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN-10 3843385394, 60 pp. Edited Book (s)


1.Tume S.J.P. & V.I. Tanyanyiwa (Eds) [2018]. Climate Change Perception and Changing Agents in Africa & South Asia. Delaware, USA: Vernon Press. ISBN 1-62273-308-8, 180 pp.



  • Peer Reviewed Monographs / Modules


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I MIEM504: Integrated Disaster Management. Master of Science in Integrated Environmental Management (MIEM). Zimbabwe Open University. ISBN (12 Chapters)


  1. Manyanhaire I.O & Tanyanyiwa, V.I HGES305: Rural Geography, BSc (Hons) in Geography & Environmental Studies. Zimbabwe Open University. ISBN 978-0-7974-6406-3. 292 pp (5 Chapters)


  1. Newsome – Magadza S., Chibisa P., Manyanhaire I.O, Tichagwa C.G &Tanyanyiwa, V.I HGES311: Geography of Tourism and Recreation, BSc (Hons) in Geography & Environmental Studies. Zimbabwe Open University. ISBN (1 Chapter)


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I & Mufunda E HGES411: Medical Geography, BSc (Hons) in Geography & Environmental Studies. Zimbabwe Open University ISBN (8 Chapters)


  1. Chitura M., Munongi C., Mayida A. & Tanyanyiwa, V.I Certificate Programme for Youth Development: Youth and Health. Zimbabwe Open University. ISBN (1 Chapter).


 Conference Presentations


  1. Tanyanyiwa, V. I The 11th WaterNet/WARFSA/GWP-SA symposium on 27th – 29th October 2010 at Elephant Hills Hotel, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Theme: IWRM for national and regional integration through science, policy, and practice. Hosted by WaterNet /WARFSA /GWP-SA/the University of Zimbabwe.
  2. Tanyanyiwa, V.I First Climate Science Symposium of Zimbabwe, 20th – 21st June 2013 at Cresta Lodge, Harare. Hosted / Facilitated by Meteorological Services Department, Zimbabwe.
  3. Tanyanyiwa, V. I Innovations for Sustainable Development International Research Conference 2013, 25th – 26th July 2013 at Rainbow Towers Hotel, Harare. Hosted and organised by Zimbabwe Open University.
  4. Tanyanyiwa, V. I Research Project Supervisors Workshop at Century Towers, 19th September 2013 at 11th Floor, Century Towers, Harare Hosted by Faculty of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe Open University. I read a paper: How to do a Literature Review?
  5. Tanyanyiwa, V.I Natural Hazards and Climate Change Workshop on 13th – 14th March 2014, 11th Floor, Century Towers, Harare. Hosted by the Faculty of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe Open University. I read a paper: Climate Change and Small-Scale Peri-Urban Farmers in Zimbabwe: The Case of Domboshawa.
  6. Tanyanyiwa, V. I Gender and Climate Change Workshop on3rdJune 2014 at Rainbow Towers Hotel, Harare hosted by Climate Change Working Group (CCWG) through ZERO Regional Environment Organisation in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate, Zimbabwe with financial support from UNDP.
  7. Tanyanyiwa, V.I Continental Integration through Open and Distance Learning in Africa. 4th African Council of Distance Education (ACDE) Conference and General Assembly on 6th – 9th June 2014, Elephant Hills Hotel, Victoria Falls Zimbabwe. Hosted / Facilitated by Zimbabwe Open University. I was a rapporteur at this conference.
  8. Tanyanyiwa, V. I Water Security and Water Related Disaster Challenges: Policy Issues for Discussion on 10th – 11th July 2014, at Crown Plaza Monomotapa Hotel, Harare, Hosted / Facilitated by Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences (ZAS) Water Forum & Network of African Science Academies (NASAC). I read a paper: “The Socio-Economic Impacts of Dambo Cultivation under Climate Change in Domboshawa Communal Lands, Zimbabwe”.
  9. Tanyanyiwa, V. I Towards Resilient Urban Communities International Conference on 17th – 19th September 2014, 2014, at Rainbow Towers Hotel, Harare, Zimbabwe hosted by the Institute of Environmental Studies [IES], the University of Zimbabwe in collaboration with UNICEF.
  10. Tanyanyiwa, V.I Sustainable Urban Environments Conference on 02nd – 03rd October 2014, 11th Floor, Century Towers, Harare. Hosted by the Faculty of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe Open University with financial support from Nyaradzo Group.
  11. Tanyanyiwa, V. I The 15th WaterNet/WARFSA/GWP-SA Symposium on 29th-31st October 2014 at Golden Peacock Hotel – Lilongwe, Malawi. Theme: ‘IWRM: An Effective Response to Water-Energy-Food Security Challenges Under Changing Climate’. Hosted by WaterNet/WARFSA/GWP-SA.
  12. Tanyanyiwa, V.I International Multi-Disciplinary Conference (IMC) – Elephant Hills Resort, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, 17th – 18th November 2014. Theme: Fostering Expertise for Sustainability Hosted / Facilitated by the National University of Science and Technology (NUST). I read a Paper: Urban Livelihoods and the Use of Public Space: Vending in Harare’s Central Business District (CBD).
  13. Tanyanyiwa, V. I Climate Conference and National Climate Policy Inception Workshop: 20th – 21st November 2014 at Crowne Plaza Monomotapa Hotel, Harare, Zimbabwe hosted by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Climate, Zimbabwe.
  14. Tanyanyiwa, V. I 10th Zimbabwe International Research Symposium – Harare International Conference Centre, Zimbabwe, 12th-13th February 2015.Theme: Research for Empowerment and Socio-Economic Transformation. Hosted / Facilitated by the Research Council of Zimbabwe (RCZ). I read a paper: Solid Waste Management in Small Towns of Zimbabwe: Insights from Mvurwi.
  15. Tanyanyiwa, V. I International Training Programme: Mainstreaming Sustainable Urban Water Management, Training Program on Urban Rainwater Harvesting and Decentralised Wastewater Treatment and Reuse 23rd – 28th March 2015, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Organised by Center for Science and Environment (CSE) Dehli, India: Hosted by Lanka Rainwater Harvesting Forum (LRWHF), Colombo, Sri Lanka
  16. Tanyanyiwa, V.I International Conference on Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Environmental Ethics – University of KwaZulu Natal, Durban, South Africa, 28th – 30th April 2015. Theme: Implications for Peace-building and Sustainable Development: Organised / Facilitated by The Africa Regional Programme of the United Nations University for Peace (UPEACE) in collaboration with the DST-NRF Centre for Indigenous Knowledge Systems (University of KwaZulu Natal) and the University of Rwanda (Rwanda). (I read a paper: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly & the Opportunity: Crossroads of IKS and Tourism at Domboshawa, Zimbabwe.
  17. Tanyanyiwa, V. I 12th International Conference on Urban Health, 24th – 27th May 2015. Dhaka, Bangladesh. Organised by the International Society for Urban Health (ISUH), Eminence Associates for Social Development (EASD) and Bangladesh Urban Health Network (BUHN). I read a paper: Understanding the Contribution of Parks and Green Spaces to Harare’s Residents Well Being

18.Mupakatai.T & Tanyanyiwa, V.I Second Chinhoyi University of Technology (CUT) International Research Conference, Chinhoyi, Zimbabwe, 20th – 21st July 2015. Hosted by CUT. Theme: research technology and innovation for development in Africa. (We read a paper: Cassava Production as a Climate Change Adaptation Strategy in Chilonga Ward, Chiredzi, Zimbabwe.

  1. Tanyanyiwa, V.I The Distance Education and Teacher Education in Africa (DETA) Conference, Reduit, Mauritius, 20th – 24th July 2015. Hosted by Mauritius Institute of Education. Theme: The Future We Want”-Teacher Development for the Transformation of Education in Diverse African Contexts. Facilitated by the University of Pretoria / South African Institute for Distance Education (Saide) and Mauritius Institute of Education 20. 20. Tanyanyiwa, V.I 4th Climate Change & Population Conference CCPOP-Ghana 2015 – University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, 29th – 31st July 2015. Theme: Climate Change, Sustainable Innovation and Partnerships: Hosted / Sponsored by Climate Change Working Group, University of Ghana, Legon, Accra, Ghana. (I read a paper: Indigenous Knowledge Systems and the Teaching of Climate Change in Zimbabwean Secondary Schools.
  2. Tanyanyiwa, V.I Research and Intellectual Outputs, Science, Engineering and Technology (RIO-SET) Expo 2015, Government of Zimbabwe. National University of Science & Technology, Bulawayo, 2nd – 5th September 2015. Theme: Research and Innovation for Socio-Economic Transformation: Hosted / Facilitated by Zimbabwe Council of Higher Education (ZIMCHE) and National University of Science & Technology (NUST), Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. I read a paper: Networks for Resilience: The Role of social capital in climate change adaptation in Domboshawa, Zimbabwe
  3. Tanyanyiwa, V. I World Social Science Forum (WSSF), 2015-Durban International Convention Centre, Durban, South Africa, 13th – 16th September 2015, Theme: Transforming Global Relations for a Just World. Hosted / Facilitated by the Human Sciences Research Council, South Africa, the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) and the International Social Science Council (ISSC). I read a poster: Social Inequality, Local Leadership and Collective Action: Evidence from Chishawasha, Zimbabwe
  4. Tanyanyiwa, V.I Sustainable Urban Environments Conference on 08th – 09th October 2015, 11th Floor, Century Towers, Harare. Hosted by the Faculty of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe Open University with financial support from Nyaradzo Group. We (I & O.S. Juba) presented a paper: Use of Bottled Water in Restaurants in Harare’s CBD
  5. Tanyanyiwa, V. I The 16th WaterNet /WARFSA/GWP-SA Symposium on 28th – 30th October 2015 at le Meridien Hotel, Pointe aux Piments, Mauritius – Theme: ‘Infrastructural Planning for Water Security in Eastern & Southern Africa’. Hosted by WaterNet/WARFSA/GWP-SA / the University of Mauritius, Faculty of Ocean Studies. I read a paper: Green Buildings and Water Management in Harare (Plenary Speaker)
  6. Tanyanyiwa, V. I Second African Network for Economics of Learning, Innovation and Competence Building Systems (AfricaLics) Conference, 2015, University of Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda, 17th – 19th November 2015. Theme: Unpacking Systems of Innovations for Sustainable Development in Africa. Organized by AfricaLics at the African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) and the University of Rwanda. I read a paper: Local Traditional Knowledge (LTK) Weather Forecasting amid Climate Change in Domboshawa, Zimbabwe
  • 26. Tanyanyiwa, V.I International Research Conference. Theme: Intellectual Output for Innovation and Enhancement of Socio-Economic Transformation. 28th – 29th July 2016 at Rainbow Towers Hotel, Harare. Zimbabwe. Hosted and organized by Zimbabwe Open University. I read a paper: Understanding the Contribution of Parks and Green Spaces to Harare’s Residents’ Wellbein
  1. Tanyanyiwa, V. I First Biennial Symposium on Human Settlements Planning, Development and Sustainability in Zimbabwe. 17-19th August 2016. Theme: Zimbabwe’s Spatial and Physical Planning in a Changing Context: How and Why Planning is Begging for Refocusing and Redefinition. Hosted & Organised by the Department of Rural and Urban Planning, University of Zimbabwe. I read a paper: Pro-poor Adaptation to Climate Change in Harare, Zimbabwe
  2. 28. Tanyanyiwa, V. I Research and Intellectual Outputs, Science, Engineering and Technology (RIO-SET) Expo 2016, Government of Zimbabwe. National University of Science & Technology, Bulawayo, 31st August – 4th September 2016. Theme: Growing the Zimbabwean Economy through Innovations. Hosted / Facilitated by Zimbabwe Council of Higher Education (ZIMCHE), Ministry of Higher Education, Science & Technology Development and National University of Science & Technology (NUST), Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.
  3. Tanyanyiwa, V.I Third Biennial Conference of the Southern Africa Society for Disaster Risk Reduction Conference on 12th-14th October 2016 at Elephant Hills Hotel in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe – Theme: Positioning Southern Africa for Disaster Risk Reduction in the face of Climate Change. Hosted by The Institute of Development Studies at the National University of Science & Technology and the Southern Africa Society for Disaster Reduction. I read a paper: Drylands households’ responses as a continuum of on and off-farm strategies. Insights from Domboshawa, Zimbabwe.
  4. Tanyanyiwa, V.I Sustainable Urban Environments Conference Faculty of Science and Technology Research Conference on 20th– 21st October 2016, 11th Floor, Century Towers, Harare. Theme: Local Response to Global Human Challenges. Hosted by the Faculty of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe Open University with financial support from Nyaradzo Group.
  5. Tanyanyiwa, V. I 11th Zimbabwe International Research Symposium – Harare International Conference Centre, Zimbabwe, 16th-17th February 2017. Theme: “Research for Unlocking Entrepreneurship: Bridging the Gap.” Hosted / Facilitated by the Research Council of Zimbabwe (RCZ). I read a paper: Exploring the potential of agritourism as a potential income-generating activity for innovative farmers in Zimbabwe.
  6. Tanyanyiwa, V.I. The Third Bulawayo Polytechnic Research Conference, 9th-10th March 2017 at the Victoria Falls Rainbow Hotel, Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe. Theme: TVETising and STEMitising through Research and Innovation for Socio-Economic Transformation. I read a paper: Environmental Education as a Technical / Vocational Subject in Zimbabwe’s Secondary Schools: A Birds Eye View
  7. Mangizvo, R.V. & Tanyanyiwa, V. I. The 7th ICCIS Conference 2017, Communication and Information Science in Fostering National Development in a Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Environment, 22nd – 24th of August 2017 at Caribbean Bay Hotel, Kariba, Zimbabwe. Theme: Hosted / Facilitated by The National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Zimbabwe. We read a paper: Street Vending of Traditional Medicine: An Emerging Urban Geographical Phenomenon in Zimbabwe

34.Sibonginkosi Sibanda & Tanyanyiwa,V.I Sustainable Development Goals Conference Faculty of Science and Technology Research Conference on 19th October 2017, 11th Floor, Century Towers, Harare. Theme: Innovative Ideas for a Better Zimbabwe’: Hosted by the Faculty of Science and Technology, Zimbabwe Open University with financial support from Nyaradzo Group. We read a paper: The Synergy of Informal Settlements and Health Issues: The Case of Caledonia, Harare.

  1. 35. Tanyanyiwa, V. I & Mufunda. E 12th Zimbabwe International Research Symposium – Harare International Conference Centre, Zimbabwe, 13th-15th February 2019.Theme: “The Nexus between Research and Industry: Key to Innovation and Sustainable Development”. Hosted / Facilitated by the Research Council of Zimbabwe (RCZ). We read a paper: Zimbabwe’s Primary Health Care System: Does it Work?
  2. Tanyanyiwa, V.I & Marais. L The American University in Cairo (AUC) International Conference on African Challenges (ICRAC) on 4-5 December 2019. Theme: The SDG 1, No Poverty. Hosted by the AUC, Cairo, Egypt. I read a paper: Social protection for informal sector practitioners in Harare: Opportunities and limitations.
  3. Katanha, A., Tanyanyiwa, V.I & Ebhuoma, E.E. Tropentag Virtual Conference, 9-11 September 2020, Virtual Conference. Theme: “Food and Nutrition Security and its Resilience to Global Crises” Organised and Hosted by ATSAF e.V., Germany. We read a poster: A Gendered Analysis of the Ziziphus mauritiana’s State in Muzarabani District, Zimbabwe
  4. 38. Tanyanyiwa, V. I (2022) International Conference on Heritage on 14th -16th September 2022 at Great Zimbabwe Hotel, Masvingo, Zimbabwe. Theme: Heritage, the Future of Africa, and the Global Community. Organised and Hosted by The Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU). I read a paper: Wither Zimbabwe’s heritage sites amidst climate change.
  5. Tanyanyiwa, V. I & Marais, L (2022) The 5th AfricaLics International Research Conference 2 November 9th – 11th 2022 at The University of Yaoundé II Cameroon in Collaboration with The Pan-African University, Institute for Governance, Humanities and Social Sciences (PAUGHSS) and In Partnership with AfricaLics: Theme: National Innovation System for Resilience and Sustainable Development in Africa. Hosted by The University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon. We read a paper: Social protection for informal sector practitioners in Harare: Opportunities and limitations.

40.Tanyanyiwa, V. I – Ist Climate Change and Development Conference in Zimbabwe, 29 – 30 June 2023 at the University of Zimbabwe Innovation Hub Auditorium. Theme: National Climate Responsiveness Towards Vision 2030. Hosted by the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development Institute (ECSDI), University of Zimbabwe & the Ministry of Environment, Climate, Tourism and Hospitality Industry. Panelist in the “Climate Change and Human Health” session on 29 June.

41.Tanyanyiwa, V.I (2023). 57th Distance Education Association of Southern Africa (DEASA) Conference from 13th-15th September 2023 at Manna Resort, Harare, Zimbabwe. Theme: Revisiting education as a common good: opening up space for all through OdeL. Organised and Hosted by The Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) & DEASA. I read a paper: Collaborative Learning in ODeL: Undergraduate Geography Students’ Perspectives.