+263 242 793 002/7/8

Honours in Religious Studies and Theology

  • 1. A minimum of 5 ‘O’ level passes, including English Language at Grade C or better (4 Years)
  • 2. Prospective students must hold ZIMCHE accredited National Diplomas in a relevant field in addition to 5 ‘O’ Levels including English Language.(3 Years)
  • 3. 2 Year undergraduate degree programmes: Attained a qualification at Level 6 of the Zimbabwe National Qualifications Framework (ZNQF), (Higher National Diploma) awarded by a recognised university, college or institute. Such applicants will be admitted into part 3 of the study programme.(2 Years)

• Teacher
• Pastor
• Counsellors
• Consultancy
• Administrators in any organisation
• Social Worker

The student is expected to accumulate a total of 396 credit points to be considered to have met the requirements of the Bachelor of Arts Honours in Religious Studies and Theology Programme.


            Level 2                                    =                      144

            Level 3                                    =                      120

            Level 4                                    =                      132


            Total                                       =                      396 Credits





COURSE CODE       COURSE NARRATION                                                     CREDITS

Level 2 Semester 1    (Five core courses plus one elective)


BHCH203                   African Cultures and Heritage                                                            12         

BHRT201                   World Religions and Ideologies                                                         12         

BHRT203                   Old Testament Studies                                                                       12

BHRT212                   Psychology of Religion                                                                       12

FARS201                    Entrepreneurship                                                                                 12

Elective                                                                                                                                   12       




BHRT202                   Introduction to Biblical Hebrew                                                        

BHRT204                   Introduction to Biblical Greek                                                           

BHRT205                   Hermeneutics 


Level 2 Semester 2    (Five core courses plus one elective)


BHRT206                   New Testament Studies                                                                      12                                     

BHRT207                   Systematic Theology                                                                         12       

BHRT208                   Christian History and Thought from the

Reformation to the 21st century                                                          12

BHRT213                   Religion and Development                                                                 12

FARS202                    Research Methods                                                                              12

Elective                                                                                                                                   12




BHRT209                   Homiletics                                                                                                                                                   

BHRT210                   Further Studies in Biblical Greek                                                                                     

BHRT211                   Pastoral Care and Counselling

BHRT214                   Further Studies in Biblical Hebrew                                                                                                    

Level 3


FARS301                    Work Integrated Learning                                                                  120


Level 4 Semester 1    (Five core courses plus one elective)


BHRT401                   Political Theology                                                                               12

BHRT412                   Religion, Gender and Health                                                              12

BHRT413                   African Traditional Religion(s)                                                           12

BHRT414                   History of Christianity in Africa                                                         12       

BHRT420                   Research Project                                                                                 12       

Elective                                                                                                                                   12




BHRT404                   Ecumenism                                                                              

BHRT405                   Islam in Africa      



Level 4 Semester 2    (Four core courses plus one elective)


BHRT406                  Religion and Ethics                                                                             12               

BHRT410                   Management and Finance in Religious Organisations                       12       

BHRT415                   History and Doctrine of Islam                                                                        12

BHRT420                   Research Project                                                                                 12       

Elective                                                                                                                                   12       




BHRT407                   Women and Religion                                                                         

BHRT408                   Religious Education