• About The Library
  • Library Services
  • Admission
  • Rules and Regulations
  • Circulation of Resources
About The Library


To be a world-class support system that provides library and information services in a distance-learning environment


To acquire, organize, disseminate and facilitate equitable access to decentralised, relevant and appropriate information resources and services that support the teaching, learning, research and community needs of ZOU distance learners, tutors and researchers.


  • To harness print and electronic-based information resources that support the teaching, learning and research needs of the Zimbabwe Open University distance learners and academic staff.
  • To approve the acquisition of all selected materials for inclusion in the collection.
  • To carry out bibliographic verification and searching on all materials selected for ordering.
  • To place orders for approved suggested orders.
  • To select local and international suppliers of good repute who are most beneficial to the University in terms of reasonable purchase prices, availability of materials, high speed of delivery and high quality of service.
  • To receive and quickly process supplied materials.
  • To procure library materials through exchange agreements.
Library Services

Location and Facilities

The Library and Information Service System is a significant component of ZOU, which provides critical and appropriate information resources that support the learning, teaching and research activities of distance learners and academic staff. The Zimbabwe Open University's Library and Information Service System is made up of a network of libraries comprising of the National Centre in Harare and ten regional centre libraries in the country's ten provincial towns. The libraries are currently small units with limited reading and shelf space for books. The book collection, which currently stands at slightly more than 65 000 volumes, is also small compared to the more than 20 000 students now on board. However, the collection is envisaged to grow tremendously as increased efforts are being made to stock the libraries adequately.

Information Resources Currently on Offer

The libraries currently provide reading and study materials in the form of books / monographs acquired through purchases, donations, and exchanges. Book purchases are made from titles selected by the academic and research staff, and from prescribed and recommended reading lists from faculties and Departments. This assures a high degree of relevance and appropriateness of the collection.

The Library and Information Service System has a depository status to receive all theses and dissertations produced by the students, staff, and researchers at ZOU. Access to these theses is provided via the ZOU Institutional Repository which is available online.

Limited physical journals are available; however, there is a comprehensive list of online journals that one can access via the ZOU website.

Currently a few titles are subscribed to including the major national newspapers and magazines.

The LIS National Centre now has Internet access. Internet Connectivity has also been extended to all the libraries through the ZOU Online Computer Labs

An Inter-Library loan facility is available. Please enquire from any of our libraries.

  • Books / Monographs
  • Theses and Dissertations
  • Journal Collection
  • Newspapers and Magazines
  • Internet Services
  • Inter library Loans

To access the ZOU Libraries, you need to complete the Library Registration Form. You are required to bring a receipt for the payment of your tuition fee and your ZOU I.D. If you have not completed this form, ask for one from the librarian and complete it. On completion of this form, you will be issued with at least four user pockets.

After registering with the library, you become a registered ZOU library user. You are now entitled to access and use the library resources in any of the ZOU Network of Libraries. You must never give your library pockets to another person unless you have sought certified authorization for that person to borrow materials on your behalf. You may be suspended from using the library for giving your pockets to another person.

Important Note: Please bring your identity Documents (IDs) when visiting any of the libraries in the Zimbabwe Open University Library and Information Service system (ZOU LIS). You will not be allowed access to the library without the identity documents. ZOU has instituted this ruling for security reasons.

The categories of users entitled to access facilities and information resources with the ZOU LIS include:

  • Members of the ZOU Council and Senate, Deans of Faculties, Departmental Chairpersons, Regional Directors, Editors, Evaluators, Programme Tutors (part time and full time) Module Writers and Developers, and Researchers.
  • ZOU students and other people affiliated to ZOU.
  • To access the ZOU Libraries, you need to complete the Library Registration Form. You are required to bring a receipt for the payment of your tuition fee and your ZOU I.D. If you have not completed this form, ask for one from the librarian and complete it. On completion of this form, you will be issued with at least four user pockets.

    After registering with the library, you become a registered ZOU library user. You are now entitled to access and use the library resources in any of the ZOU Network of Libraries. You must never give your library pockets to another person unless you have sought certified authorization for that person to borrow materials on your behalf. You may be suspended from using the library for giving your pockets to another person.

    Important Note: Please bring your identity Documents (IDs) when visiting any of the libraries in the Zimbabwe Open University Library and Information Service system (ZOU LIS). You will not be allowed access to the library without the identity documents. ZOU has instituted this ruling for security reasons.

    The categories of users entitled to access facilities and information resources with the ZOU LIS include:

    • Members of the ZOU Council and Senate, Deans of Faculties, Departmental Chairpersons, Regional Directors, Editors, Evaluators, Programme Tutors (part time and full time) Module Writers and Developers, and Researchers.
    • ZOU students and other people affiliated to ZOU.
    • Students, staff and researchers from other Universities and Colleges as approved subscribed readers. Approved Readers pay an access fee. The access fees are categorised per day/month. Consult the Librarian for these fees.


    Library Operating Hours

    The following are the expected opening times for the Libraries in the ZOU Library and Information Service system.

    • Monday – Friday: 0900 hrs - 2000hrs.
    • Weekends: 0900 hrs – 1600hrs.

    N.B. Local variations on opening times may prevail at each Regional Centre to suit local conditions so it advisable to consult the librarian at each region to confirm the opening times.

Rules and Regulations


Please observe the following rules to make the most out of the services available.

  • Return all materials issued out to you on the due date indicated.
  • Do not bring in food and drinks into the library.
  • Study requires a quiet environment. Therefore, observe silence all the time you are in the library.
  • Do not make any markings in books, theses, and journal articles because these destroy materials and distract other users’ attention from the real reading materials.
  • Users shall be required to replace all materials damaged in their possession or shall be charged an equivalent replacement value of the damaged item(s).
  • Bags and parcels must be left outside the library.
  • Use cell phones outside the library.
  • Registration with the library is a must for everyone and pockets must be produced upon clearance before graduation.

Library Fines for Over-Due Materials

  • For ordinary items not returned on time, the offender shall be charged $1.00 day delayed for the first 5 days, there after the charge will be $2.00 per day.
  • For reserved items not returned on time, the offender shall be charged $1.00 per hour delayed.
  • To replace lost library pockets, $1.00 shall be charged per pocket.
  • For lost library materials the replacement value plus added administration cost involved will be charged.
  • For ZOU members of staff who lose library materials debit orders shall be made directly on the offender's salary.
  • Please note that there will be not option, but to indefinitely suspend those found persistently defaulting by failing to observe the above rules and regulations.

Approved Membership Fees

  • Day pass $1.00
  • 1 Month subscription $10.00

Organisation of Library Collections

  • Materials are arranged on shelves according to the Library of Congress Classification scheme.
  • Shelf-guides are put in place, which guide users to locate resources.
  • An OPAC has been put in place to help you identify and locate required material.
  • Please ask for assistance from a Librarian in attendance, if you have any problem using the library.
Circulation of Resources

As you will notice, the information resource base is still growing. Presently it is not possible to lend materials to all students for use out of the library for longer periods. The following is the current circulation policy, which we hope you will follow:

Circulation to Students

Limited circulation for use over-night and return to the Library the next morning by 9.00 am.

Limited circulation for use over the weekend and items returned Monday morning by 9.00 am.

Students may borrow library materials for a period of 1 week.

Circulation to Academic and Non-Teaching Staff

  • Academic Staff - 2 weeks
  • Non-Academic Staff - 1 week

NB: Currently it is not possible to issue out materials for longer periods of more than 2 weeks to all users.

  • Most materials are largely available for use within the ZOU Libraries wherever possible.
  • Items may be taken out for photocopying for a limited time.
  • The library system upholds International Copyright and National Copyright conventions. Therefore, photocopying of parts of a publication FOR EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES will be permitted and not whole works.
  • Copyright permission is sought from ZIMCOPY whenever it is necessary to reproduce whole works.

Closed Access Material/Reserved Materials

Materials that are heavily demanded and yet so few may be placed on closed access or on reserve section. These materials will be available for use within the library only.


  • Reserve books can be borrowed over-night and returned to the library the next morning by no later than 10.00am
  • Reserve books can be borrowed over the weekend and returned on Monday morning by no later than 10.00am.