National Information Society Agency of Korea Delegation Visits ZOU

A Korean delegation from the National Information Society Agency comprising of ICT Expert, National Information Society Agency, Mr. Hyunchul Song and the Senior Manager in Charge of Information Access Project, Mr. Dohun Kim visited Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU) on the 14th of February 2024 to evaluate the technical feasibility of establishing an Information Access Center (IAC) at home for ZOU, Hatcliffe, Harare  The centre seeks to provide students and communities with access to ICT resources and trainings needed for them to fully participate in the Digital age.

The Korean delegate Mr. Song pose for a group photo with Director, Higher Education Programs Dr. D. Murekachiro, Acting ZOU Vice Chancellor Professor Nyakatawa and other ZOU officials

Addressing delegates, the Acting Vice Chancellor, Professor Ermson Nyakatawa, gave a brief of ZOU organisational structures and the underlying strategy.  Delegates were also introduced to the Director, Higher Education, Dr Dennis Murekachiro at the Parent Ministry’s boardroom where the Mr Song, outlined the introduction of NIA and the IAC project. Information Technologist, Mr Mondo, weighed in highlighting the ZOU IAC Needs and Operation Overview.

The Tour ended with a tour at the Hatcliffe home for ZOU where Mr. Song had an opportunity to view the Administration teaching and learning block.  In attendance were ZOU senior managers, Directors, and officials.

Delegates discuss during the tour at Hatcliffe