Professor Tichaona Mapolisa

Professor Tichaona Mapolisa is a full Professor of Education in Educational Management. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management, a Master of Education in Educational Administration, Planning and Policy Studies (MEd. EAPPS), a Bachelor of Education in Educational Administration, Planning and Policy Studies (BEd. EAPPS), a Certificate in Education (Primary), and a Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language. He has teaching experience in the primary school, secondary school, teachers’ college and university levels of education. He has published more than 100 articles in refereed journals, 5 occasional papers, two textbooks, two book chapters, six modules, and three newspaper articles on curriculum review. Professor Mapolisa has presented more than 40 papers at various international and local conferences, symposia, and research workshops. He is PhD external supervisor and examiner for the University of Zambia, Women’s University in Africa, and Midlands State University. In addition, he is a PhD external examiner for the University ZCAS University of Zambia, University of Fort Hare, University of Free State and University of Zululand. Above all, he is an internal supervisor and examiner for MPhil and DPhil candidates at the Zimbabwe Open University. He has participated in more than ten (10) viva voce external examination sessions within and without Zimbabwe. His ResearchGate citations are 272 in number and has over 300 000 reads, while his Google Scholar citations 552 in number and has 13 h-index and 16 i10-index, and he has 300 mentions.  He is an editor, associate editor, chief editor, and peer reviewer for various refereed journals. Since 2015, he has organised six (6) international conferences for the Zimbabwe Open University, and nine (9) Vice Chancellor’s Research Days in Harare, Bulawayo and Masvingo.